"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend, inside a dog it is too dark to read!" -Groucho Marx========="The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." -Jane Austen========="I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book."-JK Rowling========"I spend a lot of time reading." -Bill Gates=========“Ahhh. Bed, book, kitten, sandwich. All one needed in life, really.” -Jacqueline Kelly=========

Monday, August 11, 2014

Classics Club Spin number is announced...

The Classics Club Spin number was announced this morning

The number is...


Of course it is 17 because that is the one book on my list that I was dreading the most.

See my original list and info about the Classics Book Spin here.

I will now read

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

and hopefully finish it by October 6, 2014.

The version of this book in my school library is 458 pages long.

My goal is to read 60 pages a week so that I can finish by the deadline. 
I will post weekly updates of my progress.