Today, as I was moving tables around the library, I discovered, to my horror, that the tables each had its own disgusting batch of chewed gum on the underside. Ew..ww.w.w.
While scraping it off, I wondered about the degenerates who would deposit their gum for someone else to discover years later. Perhaps, I thought, they think sticking gum under tables is funny. Afterall we live very near Seattle which does have the ultra disgusting gum-wall. Or perhaps the gum-depositors are mean-spirited or barbaric. Most likely, however, they are just lazy. Which is double irritating.
I felt like I was in a movie... a bad comedy. At the moment where I, the star of the movie, discovered the cache of chewed gum, the whole audience lets out a collective "ewww..w.w.w.w."
Aren't you delighted that I shared this wonderful moment from my life with you?
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