"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend, inside a dog it is too dark to read!" -Groucho Marx========="The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." -Jane Austen========="I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book."-JK Rowling========"I spend a lot of time reading." -Bill Gates=========“Ahhh. Bed, book, kitten, sandwich. All one needed in life, really.” -Jacqueline Kelly=========

2025 Reading Goals and Challenges


As in the past, most of my 2025 reading goals and challenges are of my own making. Most of the challenges center around award books and that means there is a limited number of books I expect myself to read for each and sometimes there is crossover between them also.


Read: One book


Read at least four books in this category


Read minimum of two books


Read two books from 2025 list.


Read one book


Read three books


Among them these five books left over from my 2024 list: The God of the Woods by Moore; Playground by Powers; The Mighty Red by Erdrich; The Ministry of Time by Bradley; The Portable Veblen by McKenzie


Write 23 reviews (for the books read for book clubs among all the other reviews I write.)


Read five classics, minimum.


Only five books left to complete this challenge.


TBD -- ? number of books / reviews.

Assignment 2025. Can I do it? I know I'll try.



  1. Really interesting goals. I wish you luck with all of them.

  2. Honestly, this is pretty much what I try to do---set my own challenges and try to read a variety of books others have selected as being exceptional. But this year I'm going to be led by what Sparkles, by what Sparks Joy. *smile*

  3. I like that you make an effort to read award books! I should probably try to do more of that. The God of the Woods is on my Goodreads TBR too! Did you read the rest of the books in the US States and Territories Challenge (besides the 5 you have to go) in 2024, or have you read all of them in 2025 already??

    1. No. I just made a list and figured out I had read a book from each state but one, South Dakota. And needed to read books set in several US Territories: Virgin Island, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and ? I can't remember the other one. I know some people try to read a book per state every year. Not me.

  4. Good luck.

  5. Ooh, you’re reading some classics! Hope you have a wonderful time.

    1. Thanks. Right now I am participating in Austen25 reading all of Austen's books in 2025. I will try to reread three of them, not sure if I will even attempt all six. Sense and Sensibility first.

  6. So many awesome reading goals and challenges! I hope you have an amazing time trying to complete them all :)

  7. Good luck with all your goals!

    Here's mine for this week: https://portobellobookblog.com/2025/01/14/top-ten-tuesday-14th-january-2025-bookish-goals-for-2025-toptentuesday-amreading-bookrecommendations-tuesdaybookblog-booksky/

    1. Thanks. I am already starting to feel panicked about how many goals I have set but when I look at the number of books, it is not so bad.

  8. So interesting, love the variety of topics. I hope you enjoy your goals very much

  9. That is a good looking list of goals. I want to read books from further afield. I tend to stick to Europe and the USA.

    Good luck in completing these challenges!

  10. Wow, you have so many things on the go! And yet, at least for most of them, it seems like you have some options as to the specifics. This speaks to me!! Lol. I have absolute faith in you that you will be able to accomplish your goals for the year - and I'm sure you'll find some fantastic books that I'll then want to read based on your recommendations! Happy reading!

  11. Okay, how many pages is classified as a big book? I KNOW I can do at least one in a year, so I would love to try it this year. Good luck (and have fun, which I know you will) with your goals!

    1. I make up the "rules" for my ONE BIG BOOK CHALLENGE. I consider a big book one I consider to be daunting or challenging; one I want to read but keep putting off. Join me! Pick a book you've always wanted to read, claim it, and finish it by Dec. 31st! That's all!

  12. I like your goals! And I like the graphics that go with them.

    1. Thanks, I decided to try to be more visual with the goals and challenges so I could clearly see where I am on each.

  13. These are great goals and I hope you read some great books.

  14. I love how you've given yourself some challenges. Best of luck!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  15. This is a lot of challenges! I really like the idea of reading more award finalists. I often read from the Women's Prize longlist but not necessarily the others. Good luck with your reading goals!

    1. I read two of the Women's Prize books this past year and was blown away by them. Not sure I can say the same about The Pulitzer Prize winner from last year.

  16. That's a lot of challenges! Best of luck in making lots of progress.

  17. These all look so cool! Good luck on your goals!

  18. Replies
    1. I'm not sure if I'm having an issue with your site, but I tried to write a comment and I don't see it - just in case you're missing some!

    2. I love your list! You always introduce me to such interesting sounding challenges. Maybe I'll get around to joining one this year.

    3. I just figured something weird out that I didn't know. When I switched over to Disqus for comments it only pertains to "Posts" not "Pages". I posted this as a page because I wanted to keep it from and center all year. Now I know I have to look at blogger comments for pages. Sorry. I was flummoxed, too.

  19. I'm definitely looking forward to the YMA announcements! :)

    Check out my TTT: https://never-anyone-else.blogspot.com/2025/01/top-ten-tuesday-2025-movie-releases-im.html

    1. Are you still working at a library? In the teen department?

  20. I love me a reading challenge (or five). These look like great ones. I'm not much for literary fiction or artsy type reads, so I tend to avoid award winners. I'll be interested to see what you think of the books you read.

    1. My daughter and I were just having this discussion last week. She told me she can't stand literary fiction because it is too. um, literary. Ha! I'm the opposite. Ha!

  21. Such commendable goals! I am so glad you introduced the US States and Territories challenge. I think I’ll be stealing this idea. And it also makes me think about doing the same for the world, which would likely be more difficult, but still it beckons.

    1. I know what you mean. We do need to stretch ourselves.

  22. It looks like you've really challenged yourself for 2025! I'm sure you'll be able to do it. As for me... baby steps, lol.

  23. What a wide variety of challenges. I wish you lots of luck!


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