Living in the Pacific Northwest we have to take care with our roses to avoid common plant diseases, especially black spot and powdery mildew. A few years ago we had trouble with deer eating the roses. It is a constant battle to keep the roses fed and watered yet the results are worth the effort. Here are a few of my favorites:
Pure Poetry. This rose has long stems perfect for bud vases or soda bottles |
Pure Poetry. Buds are yellow, open to reveal a light pink color. Very thorny. This has long been one of my favorite roses. |
Voodoo. A new rose to us this year. Spectacular orange color. Seems to be susceptible to powdery mildew. |
Pope John Paul II. Gorgeous and fragrant white. Developed for the late Pope who exclaimed, "The perfect rose." |
Pope John Paul II. An artsy close-up. |
4th of July. A climber. |
4th of July. A floribunda aptly named for the explosion of color. |
4th of July on its trellis. The plant was getting really leggy and ugly so we pruned it way back this spring. The plant appreciated getting rid of all the deadwood and has rewarded us with spectacular color this year. |
4th of July. Fireworks! |
Eyeconic. A miniature floribunda with interesting color reveal. I have two of these small plants in pots on the deck. I took this photo last year. Our bushes currently are not blooming, but I love it when they are. |
Scentimental. Another red and white floribunda. This one makes a terrible cut flower and the plant isn't that attractive but the scent of this rose is so outstanding it is a keeper. |
Peace. A popular hybrid tea. We pruned the bush way back this year, which you are not supposed to do with this variety, but it still gave us this beauty anyway. |
Gourmet Popcorn. A miniature rose. This is my favorite for ease of care, hardiness, and disease resistance. It blooms in cycles and give a profusion of white, buttery color covering the whole bush at a time just like in the photo. My bush just finished a blooming cycle so this photo is compliments of the Tacoma Rose Society. |
Love. Grandiflora. We just planted this rose this spring and it is getting ready for its first big bloom. White buds open to reveal a reverse of red/dark pink center. It's hard to see the two sides of the petals in this photo. |
Abbaye de Cluny. Hybrid tea. We just, and I mean just, planted this rose and already we have a bloom. We don't know if it will be a winner but so far so good.
Midas Touch. A tall hybrid tea. Ours just went through a spectacular blooming cycle so I grabbed this photo from Star Roses Webpage to show you what it looks like. The yellow color is so vibrant and it doesn't fade. We replaced four bushes in one bed this year but kept this one. |
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