"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend, inside a dog it is too dark to read!" -Groucho Marx========="The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." -Jane Austen========="I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book."-JK Rowling========"I spend a lot of time reading." -Bill Gates=========“Ahhh. Bed, book, kitten, sandwich. All one needed in life, really.” -Jacqueline Kelly=========

Monday, June 19, 2023

TTT: My Summer Reading List

Top Ten Tuesday: My Summer Reading List. 
Below the line is how I did on my spring reading list.
Summer reading list:

Book Club Selections:

  1. Long Division by Laymon (August, Group #1)
  2. The Loneliest Polar Bear by Williams (September, Group #1) 
  3. Hello Beautiful by Napalitano (September, Group #2)

Challenge Books:

  1. Classics Club Spin Book TBA from this list -- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  2. A Past Pulitzer Prize winner from list -- Trust by Diaz
  3. Printz Award winner or honor book from this list (Possibly Starfish) 
  4. A Big Book (over 400 pages) for Big Book Summer Challenge (Possibly Babel by Kuang)

Books I've already started, recently acquired, and/or have on-hold at the library:

  1.  Pray First by Hodges
  2. After by Greyson
  3. The Wager by David Grann
  4. Victory City by Salmon Rushdie
  5. I Have Some Questions for You by Makkai
  6. Shrines of Gaiety by Atkinson
  7. Our Missing Hearts by Ngo
  8. It's All Absolutely Fine by Eliot
  9. House of Light by Mary Oliver

Update: How I did on my spring reading list.
Highlighted yellow: completed. 
Highlighted aqua: in progress or 
Highlighted green:  not completed but read note.  

Spring reading list:

Book Club Selections:

  1. Such a Fun Age by Reid (April, Group #1)
  2.  A Long Petal to the Sea by Allende (May, Group #1)
  3. Black Cake by Wilkerson (May, Group #2)
  4. The Mountains Sing by Nguyen (June, Group #1)
  5. Lucy by the Sea by Strout (June, Group #2)

Challenge Books:

  1. Classics Club Spin Book TBA from this list -- Romeo and Juliet
  2. A Past Pulitzer Prize winner from list -- The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
  3. Printz Award winner or honor book from this list When the Angels Left the Old Country

Books I've already started, recently acquired, and/or have on-hold at the library:

  1. The ABC Murders by Christie
  2. Necessary Christianity by Alexander
  3. Solito by Zamora
  4. Freewater by Luqman-Dawson -- I read a few pages and decided I wasn't interested. Returned to library unread.
  5. The Reading List by Adams
  6. On the Subject of Unmentionable Things by Walton -- Similar to the above "green" book I tried a few pages and set this one aside unread.
  7. The Hurting Kind: Poems by Limón
  8. The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas
  9. Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Kawaguchi
  10. Fox and I by Raven
  11. Malibu Rising by Reid
  12. Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow by Zevin
  13. A Deadly Education by Novik -- I had too many audiobooks arrive at the same time, I requested a later date on this one and my next turn hasn't come up from the library yet.
  14. Babel by Kuang -- I purchased the Audible version of this one and haven't gotten to it yet. I will add this one to my summer reading list!
  15. Horse by Brooks
  16. Bewilderment by Powers
Note: I have figured out a system that works for me-- add books to my seasonal list and suddenly I make sure to read the books on it. This was a long list, yet all Spring I felt the tug of these books reminding me to read them. Try it and see how it works for you!


A reading challenge. Find out details and sign up here.
