Top Ten Tuesday: I Can't Believe I Read (or Finished) These Books (for a variety of reasons)
Freewill by Chris Lynch
I hated this book from start to finish, but I did, I finished it. It earned a 1 star rating on Goodreads from me. The only 1 star rating on my whole page.

Defamation of my favorite novel and a graphic novel to boot. But it was short and I enjoyed it, sort of.
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
I loved the book but before I read it, I was terrified of it. I didn't think I could understand it, so I shunned it for years and years. When I finally read it I was blown away.
At Home in Her Tomb: Lady Dai and the Ancient Chinese Treasures of Mawandui by Christine Liu-Perkins
This is one of those little nonfiction books that sometimes end up in libraries to languish on the shelves. Well, I read it and found it fascinating. Then this year, when we were in China, I was able to wow our Chinese guide since I knew about Ladi Dai and her tomb. He was clearly blown away. When he recovered, he asked how I knew about her. I told him I was a librarian and I read a book about her!

I LOVED THIS BOOK. But the Goldfinch audiobook was over 30 hours long! Can you believe it? I finished it and loved it. 30+ hours!!!
Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen
This book was on my must-read list since I saw the movie named for it. I was so-o-o disappointed. It wasn't the main source of information for the movie, after all. Plus, it took me a LONG time to read, prolonging the torture. But I finished it. Check. Done with that one!

I know. I can't believe I read it, either. And more unbelievably I enjoyed it.
The Singer by Calvin Miller
This one should read, "I can't believe that I finally read this book." It was given to me as a graduation or birthday gift in 1975. I told her I wanted it and then I never read it. I've carted it around with me for 40+ years. This past year that friend past away. My sorrow led me back to this book that she gave me so many years before. And I read it. I can't believe it took me so long.
The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick
My family and I watched the mini-series based on this book. We were enthralled and would binge watch episode after episode. The book was not nearly as exciting as the TV show. It was so different, in fact, that I really didn't like it and I can't believe I finished the whole book.

I can't believe I actually read this whole silly, humorous book. No, check that, I can believe I read it. I just can't believe I told anyone that I read it.

Truck: A Love Story by Michael Perry
A memoir about a man and his truck. Doesn't seem like my kind of book, but I really liked it.