"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend, inside a dog it is too dark to read!" -Groucho Marx========="The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." -Jane Austen========="I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book."-JK Rowling========"I spend a lot of time reading." -Bill Gates=========“Ahhh. Bed, book, kitten, sandwich. All one needed in life, really.” -Jacqueline Kelly=========

Thursday, September 5, 2019

An uber-classics list

My niece's husband, Bobby Powers, has a book blog. He reads a lot of business books but he has also wandered into a goal of reading the classics. Today I read through his list. I am not sure if he created the list or if he grabbed it from someplace else. He asked how many books his readers had read. I have read 57 of the 200, the number could be higher if I counted books I started but didn't complete or I read in a Illustrated Children's Classic Edition. What I like about this list is it has many modern classics on it---not just a stodgy list of books written by dead white guys from the British Empire. I don't intend to attempt to read all the other 143 books before my death, but I certainly am interested in reading more classics before I slip into oblivion.

⊗-books I've read
  1. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe⊗
  2. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams⊗
  3. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott⊗
  4. The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
  5. Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis
  6. Money by Martin Amis
  7. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood ⊗
  8. Emma by Jane Austen ⊗
  9. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen ⊗
  10. Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin
  11. The Black Sheep by Honoré de Balzac
  12. Malone Dies by Samuel Beckett
  13. The Adventures of Augie March by Saul Bellow
  14. Herzog by Saul Bellow
  15. Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret by Judy Blume
  16. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury ⊗
  17. The Sleepwalkers by Hermann Broch
  18. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë ⊗
  19. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë ⊗
  20. The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan
  21. The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
  22. The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan ⊗
  23. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess ⊗
  24. If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino
  25. The Plague by Albert Camus
  26. The Stranger by Albert Camus ⊗
  27. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote ⊗
  28. Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey
  29. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré
  30. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll ⊗
  31. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
  32. The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler ⊗
  33. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
  34. Stories of Anton Chekhov by Anton Chekhov
  35. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie ⊗
  36. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho ⊗
  37. The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins ⊗
  38. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
  39. Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad
  40. Nostromo by Joseph Conrad
  41. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
  42. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
  43. Underworld by Don DeLillo
  44. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz ⊗
  45. Bleak House by Charles Dickens
  46. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens ⊗
  47. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens ⊗
  48. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
  49. The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens
  50. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  51. Deliverance by James Dickey
  52. Sybil by Benjamin Disraeli
  53. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  54. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  55. The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  56. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ⊗
  57. An American Tragedy by Theodore Dreiser
  58. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
  59. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
  60. Middlemarch by George Eliot
  61. The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
  62. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
  63. L.A. Confidential by James Ellroy
  64. Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner
  65. As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
  66. The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner
  67. Tom Jones by Henry Fielding
  68. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald ⊗
  69. Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
  70. The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
  71. The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford
  72. A Passage to India by E.M. Forster
  73. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank⊗
  74. The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
  75. Neuromancer by William Gibson
  76. Lord of the Flies by William Golding ⊗
  77. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
  78. The Tin Drum by Günter Grass
  79. I, Claudius by Robert Graves
  80. The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene
  81. The Diary of a Nobody by George Grossmith
  82. The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett ⊗
  83. Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy
  84. Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
  85. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
  86. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  87. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
  88. For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway
  89. Men Without Women by Ernest Hemingway
  90. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway ⊗
  91. The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
  92. Dune by Frank Herbert
  93. The Iliad by Homer
  94. The Odyssey by Homer
  95. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo ⊗
  96. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley ⊗
  97. Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro ⊗
  98. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
  99. The Ambassadors by Henry James
  100. The Golden Bowl by Henry James
  101. The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
  102. Dubliners by James Joyce
  103. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
  104. Ulysses by James Joyce
  105. Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
  106. The Trial by Franz Kafka
  107. On the Road by Jack Kerouac
  108. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey
  109. It by Stephen King
  110. The Stand by Stephen King
  111. The Rainbow by D.H. Lawrence
  112. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee ⊗
  113. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle ⊗
  114. The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing
  115. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis ⊗
  116. The Call of the Wild by Jack London ⊗
  117. Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry
  118. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
  119. The Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer
  120. The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann
  121. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez ⊗
  122. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCallers ⊗
  123. Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
  124. Atonement by Ian McEwan ⊗
  125. Moby Dick by Herman Melville
  126. Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
  127. Paradise Lost by John Milton
  128. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell⊗
  129. The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford
  130. Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
  131. Beloved by Toni Morrison⊗
  132. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov⊗
  133. Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
  134. A Bend in the River by V.S. Naipaul
  135. 1984 by George Orwell ⊗
  136. Animal Farm by George Orwell ⊗
  137. U.S.A. Trilogy by John Dos Passos
  138. Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak
  139. Nightmare Abbey by Thomas Love Peacock
  140. The Moviegoer by Walker Percy
  141. Republic by Plato
  142. The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe by Edgar Allen Poe
  143. In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
  144. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman⊗
  145. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
  146. The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
  147. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque⊗
  148. Clarissa by Samuel Richardson
  149. Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson⊗
  150. American Pastoral by Philip Roth
  151. Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip Roth
  152. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling ⊗
  153. Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie
  154. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ⊗
  155. The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger ⊗
  156. Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald
  157. Hamlet by William Shakespeare
  158. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  159. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark
  160. East of Eden by John Steinbeck
  161. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
  162. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck ⊗
  163. The Red and the Black by Stendhal
  164. Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne
  165. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
  166. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
  167. Dracula by Bram Stoker
  168. Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
  169. Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift
  170. Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray
  171. Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  172. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien⊗
  173. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien ⊗
  174. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  175. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
  176. A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole⊗
  177. The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope
  178. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain⊗
  179. The Art of War by Sun Tzu
  180. Rabbit, Run by John Updike
  181. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
  182. The Aeneid by Virgil
  183. Candide by Voltaire
  184. Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut⊗
  185. The Color Purple by Alice Walker⊗
  186. All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren
  187. A Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh
  188. Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh⊗
  189. Scoop by Evelyn Waugh
  190. The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
  191. The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
  192. The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West
  193. Charlotte’s Web by EB White ⊗
  194. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman⊗
  195. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
  196. Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
  197. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
  198. Native Son by Richard Wright
  199. Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates
  200. One Thousand and One Nights by (Anon)⊗