"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend, inside a dog it is too dark to read!" -Groucho Marx========="The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." -Jane Austen========="I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book."-JK Rowling========"I spend a lot of time reading." -Bill Gates=========“Ahhh. Bed, book, kitten, sandwich. All one needed in life, really.” -Jacqueline Kelly=========

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday Salon...Daffodil edition

Sunday Salon... Moss, I mean, Daffodil Edition.

It is spring in the Northwest. Spring means moss daffodils in the Puyallup Valley where we are known for our daffodils, we even have a daffodil festival and parade in a few weeks. This year, however, I think it should be paired with moss because we have the green stuff growing everywhere...under our bedding plants, on our driveway, throughout our lawn, even on our roof. Take a close look at the  picture of my Japanese Maple, below, which has a blanket of moss below it after this winter. Here is a quote about moss I found in The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh, the book I just started reading today:

Moss is selected to be the emblem of maternal love, because, 
like that love, it glads the heart when the winter of adversity 
overtakes us, and when summer friends have deserted us. 
--Henrietta Dumont, The Floral Offering

Weather: Cool and overcast with occasional sunbreaks.

Today and yesterday: we have been glued in front of the TV watching the NCAA Basketball Tournament. We did make a trip out to look at the fields of daffodils and purchased a small, antique dresser at the daffodil farm that is going out of business. Sigh. My husband and I also took the dog for a walk. It was colder outside than we anticipated.

Photo taken in the courtyard of Van Lierop's bulb farm
This past week was Jane Austen Week in my library. I am an unabashed Jane Austen fan and enjoy sharing my passion with others.  See my post here about the event.

Spring yard: We had a cold, rainy week so the flowering plums are just now starting to blossom out. I thought they'd be further along. It was so wet out that I didn't make a tour of the yard this week to see what else was poking out of the earth. 

Today at church: It was Palm Sunday and we are entering Holy Week. We had a special service today that involved the whole congregation processing into the sanctuary at the same time. This week we are encouraged to pray for specific people and events around our church all week as we prepare for Easter.

Scripture: John 14:1 Jesus said: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me."
Aren't daffodils one of the happiest looking flowers?
Book completed this week: The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin. Set in Wenatchee, Washington around the turn of the 20th century. This book wasn't what I expected and I'm withholding judgment about it while I let it settle in my brain.

Still reading: Prodigy by Marie Lu. But at least this week I can say I've made progress.  My goal is to have this one done by or before Friday!

Just started audiobook: The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh, a book club selection.

On deck: The Paris Wife by Paula McClain, the All-Pierce County Reads book and another book club selection.

From the kitchen: Homemade oatmeal cookies with deluxe raisins. A family favorite.

Quote of the week: "A house with daffodils in it is a house lit up, whether or no the sun be shining outside." --A.A. Milne