The Printz Award Challenge: At the beginning of the year I had 23 of the 52 Printz Award and Honor books that I hadn't read yet . I read 5 more of the books this year bringing my total down to 18, though the new Printz Award books will be named in early January so the list will be ever expanding. This is an on-going challenge and I am committed to it for the long haul. Grade: C
The YA Through the Decade Challenge: As a relatively new librarian I need to back-fill my reading dossier with works that I "should" read/know, so this was a perfect challenge for me. I will do it again in a heartbeat. The Challenge was actually quite fun and I completed it in July after reading one YA book per decade 1930 (or before) to the present. Grade: A+
Audio Book Challenge: I listened to over 22 books in the audio format which was the goal. This challenge is a gimme since I listen to books in my car and drive to/from work. I completed this challenge in October. I've already signed up for the 2011 Audio Book Challenge. My first book will be Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta. Grade: A
Summer Beach Reading Challenge: I completed more than 18 books from July 1st to the end of summer and got to the Shark Level in this challenge. This challenge felt like cheating since I had already read enough books by the time I signed up to qualify. I do some heavy reading during the summer so this one took no effort on my part. I won't sign up for this one again...too easy/no challenge. Grade: B
Jane Austen Challenge: To be a Newbie (which I'm not when it comes to JA) all I had to do was read two of her books and two others (rewrites, prequels, spoofs, etc.). I read four "others" but nothing by JA herself all year. I even bought a book that contains Lady Susan and The Watsons two of Jane Austen's unfinished novel fragments. I guess I still have a few days until this challenge is actually over but I must confess that I doubt I'll get to them. Not meeting this challenge is a blow to my ego. I will give myself a bit of credit for reading the books I did. Grade: D
Banned Book Challenge: I read a banned/challenged book, The Sledding Hill by Chris Crutcher, during Banned Books Week. The book is, interestingly, about book banning. I also read The Color Purple by Alice Walker this year, one of the top banned books of the past decade. I also blogged about Banned Books Week every day to highlight the on-going fight against censorship. In addition, I did all kinds of promotions for Banned Books Week at my school and got lots of the books into readers hands. I've done a lot in the past, but nothing like I did this year. Grade: A+
A Buck a Book Challenge: Instead of pampering myself with some treat at the end of the year with a buck-a-book I decided that I would donate the amount to Pennies for Peace. It is an organization founded by Greg Mortensen (Three Cups of Tea author) to built schools in Central Asia. The cool thing about his mission is that he insists that girls be allowed to attend the school which isn't often the case in state-funded or private schools in the area. I am still reading but I know my total will be over 80 dollars. I will do this challenge again. Grade: the satisfaction that my reading may actually make a little difference in the world.
Personal Challenges: Classics Challenge- Grade F; Books in a Series Challenge-Grade D; Books on the 11th Grade List- Grade F; Books on the Nifty-Fifty Cart (I only have two left to go)- Grade B+
How did you do at meeting your reading goals for the year?
Yikes... I am really not a challenge joiner. If I had to pick one of yours to participate in, I would probably go for the Printz challenge. I'll be curious to see what you choose to participate in in 2011!
ReplyDeleteaww! too bad. Maybe next year!
ReplyDeleteI only joined two challenges that went all year and I still haven't finished them. The Read From Your Shelves Challenge is one I will join again next year, even though I only accomplished reading half of my list I had decided on. I really need to do better on that challenge- my shelves are out of control! I am also joining the War Through the Generations Challenge again. The focus in 2011 is the Civil War.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the YA Through the Decades challenge, but I've decided not to join any this year. Instead, my personal challenge is to catch up on all the unread books I already own before buying any new ones. I've set this goal before and failed miserably, but 2011 is the year to actually get it done. There are only 60 or 70 of them...