Special birthday gifts! |
Weather: Rain. What more can I say?
Frog songs: It may still be winter but the frogs in the pond in our neighborhood think it is spring. Every evening when I am out with the dog I hear the frogs singing their love song and I know that spring is around the corner.
Tea for two: My daughter, Rita, took me out to the local tea shop for a belated birthday treat. I am so blessed by my daughters. For two hours she and I sat and talked and laughed and never ran out of anything to say. I love you, honey!
Honor Society Induction, finally: This year everything associated with our induction ceremony was postponed because of snow. The first meeting about how to apply had to be postponed because we had a two-hour late schedule due to snowy roads. The induction ceremony had to be rescheduled because it fell on one of the three days we were completely off school for snow. This past Thursday, the rescheduled date, I woke up to discover it was...wait for it...snowing. Oh boy, not again! Fortunately, it was lovely to behold but didn't cause a school delay of any kind and the ceremony went off without a hitch, finally.
Book Clubs: It doesn't usually happen this way, but this past week both of my book clubs met on subsequent days. Tuesday SOTH met and discussed My Life in France by Julia Child. The book wasn't a club favorite but I was very inspired by Julia Child and her love of food and cooking. Wednesday RHS Ladies Club met and discussed Commonwealth by Ann Patchett. I liked the book a lot because I thought Patchett did a masterful job of pulling all the parts of the story together. Others in the club felt the book suffered in comparison to some of Patchett's other works.
Book completed this week, just one:
- The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Richard Flanagan. A distressing look at the lives of men who were POWs in WWII, forced to work on the Death Railroad and the effects the war had on their lives afterwards. I am not sure I would recommend the book because it is so distressing but the writing is really brilliant.
Currently reading and on-deck books:
- Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton. A memoir about love and life and finding one's way. 40% progress. Print.
- Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. I just downloaded the audiobook onto my iPod. This is for book club in March. I'll start it tomorrow during my commute.
- If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo. This book is on my desk in the back office of the library. I read it on my lunch if I don't have time to run downstairs and join the other teachers. Print.
6 out of 60: I'm still forging ahead to reconnect with 60 friends/family members in this my 60th year. This week I had three "meetings/events". Thank you Rita, Sharon, and JoLeigh! I love you all and enjoyed catching up with you. (The wine and tea was good, too!)
Dinner: While I was idling in front of the TV, watching the Oscars and writing this blog post, Don made a delicious dinner of steak, potatoes, green beans, grilled onions, topped off with some Cab Sauv red wine. Yum. Spoiled brat! On that note, I should probably get up and help clean up the kitchen, don't you think? brb
Funny: I love to listen to audiobooks, so this week I went to the web pages of two libraries I hold cards for to see if I could get in line for upcoming book club selections. Here is what I discovered...I guess I'll be waiting for months and months on some of these books:
1. Homegoing 10th out of 3 copies on one list; 14th out of 3 on the other. (I had to pay for an audbile.com download because this book is for next month.)
2. Dear Bob and Sue- neither library has a copy of it.
3. LaRose: 1st out of 3 copies on one list, 2nd out of 3 on the other (this should be available now, out of order, of course)
4. This is How It Always Is: 12th on 2 copies on one list, e-book not audiobook
5. A Man Called Ove: 48th out of 13 copies on one list; 75th out of 12 copies on the other. Ha!