"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend, inside a dog it is too dark to read!" -Groucho Marx========="The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." -Jane Austen========="I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book."-JK Rowling========"I spend a lot of time reading." -Bill Gates=========“Ahhh. Bed, book, kitten, sandwich. All one needed in life, really.” -Jacqueline Kelly=========

Sunday, November 13, 2016

The 24-hour-Blog-n-Readathon Finale

The 24-Hour Blog-n-Readathon results.
How I spent my time over the past three days, reading and blogging:

Time                                 Hours/Running total
4:00-6:30 PM Thursday                         2.5/2.5
Finished In the Shadow of the Banyan
6:30-8:30                                                   2/4.5
Started Little Women Audiobook, listened for over an hour before realizing it had skipped to chapter four at the start, so went back and read the first four chapters.
10:30-11:00 PM                                        .5/5
Read Little Women before turning off the lights
8:15-10:15 AM  Friday                               2/7
Read MARCH 3
11:00-11:15 AM                                     .25/7.25
Listened to Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford. I had intended to continue listening to Little Women but for some reason it is not on my iPod as I had thought.
11:45-12:15 PM                                       .5/7.75
Finished MARCH 3
12:15-1:00                                              .75/8.5 
Wrote blog review of Lucy and Linh, linked here
1:15-2:15                                                   1/9.5
Listened to Little Women
2:15-3:00                                               .75/10.25
Wrote blog review for Still Life with Tornado, scheduled it for Saturday publication. Linked Here
3:20-3:50                                                 .5/10.75
Listened to Little Women
4:00-4:15; 6:15-6:30                               .5/11.25
Listened to Songs of Willow Frost as I was driving.
5:45-6:15                                                 .5/11.75
Started Vassa in the Night while eating dinner at Taco Del Mar (fish tacos, oh yum)
6:45-7:15                                                 .5/12.25
Listened to Little Women (up to page 140)
7:15-8:15                                                  1/13.25
Wrote blog review of The Reader, scheduled it for publication on Sunday. Linked here.
8:15-9:00                                                  .75/14
Read Vassa in the Night. Not sure I will continue, very strange.
10:00-11:30                                             1.5/15.5
Listened to Little Women (pg 180)
8:15-8:30 AM Saturday                        .25/15.75
Listened to Songs of Willow Frost while driving
9:00-11:00                                                2/17.75
Read Vassa in the Night (pg 101); Listened to Little Women (pg 220)
11:00-11:45                                            .75/18.5
Wrote blog review of Railhead, scheduled it for publication on Monday.
4:30-5:30 PM                                             1/19.5
Read Vassa in the Night, getting stranger but I will likely finish it. (pg 162)
6:15-7:15                                                   1/20.5
Wrote blog review of Flannery, scheduled for Tuesday publication.
10:00-10:30                                                .5/21
Started blog review, several short reviews combined into one, but decided I needed to go to bed. Only three hours left. I will finish tomorrow.
8:00-9:30 Sunday AM                            1.5/22.5
Read Vassa in the Night (pg. 253)
10:15-10:30                                           .25/22.75
Listened to Songs of Willow Frost (I was driving again!)
12:00-1:00 PM                                         1/23.75
Listened to Little Women. Got to the end of Part 1, pg 246. Listened to the end of disc one of Song of Willow Frost (pg. 36)
1:40-1:55                                              .25/24!!!!
Finished writing blog reviews of three books: The Girl in the Blue Coat, The Last Boy and Girl in the World, On the Edge of Gone, ready for publication on Wednesday.

To summarize, in case you don't want to read my 24 hour blow by blow:

Books read:
  • In the Shadow of the Banyan by V. Rattney. I completed this book which I had started before the weekend event. 
  • MARCH 3 by John Lewis. A graphic biography of the famous Civil Rights Leader. This is the third and last book in the series.
  • Little Women by L.M. Alcott. I read half the book (mostly listened to the audiobook) and got to the end of Part One. The book was originally published in two parts. 
  • Songs of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford. An upcoming book club selection. I hadn't thought I'd listen to any of this book this weekend but I couldn't get Little Women transferred on to my iPod, so I started it. Progress: 11%
  • Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter. A weird YA novel which is a retelling of the Russian Fairy Tale Vassilissa the Beautiful, which I am not familiar. The first 50 100 pages are so strange it is a wonder I read on. I hope to finish it this afternoon. Progress: 85%.

Blog Reviews written (some aren't published yet, to spread them out):
  • Lucy and Linh by Alice Pung
  • Still Life With Tornado by A.S. King
  • The Reader by Traci Chee
  • Railhead by Philip Reeve
  • Flannery by Lisa Moore
  • Three in one: The Last Boy and Girl in the World by S. Vivian; The Girl with the Blue Coat by M. Hesse; On the Edge of Gone by C. Duyvis

If momentum is in my favor, I hope to get these done in the next few days:
  • Write a blog review of the first half of Little Women and continue reading it with the goal of finishing it by December 1st.
  • Write a blog review of MARCH 3
  • Finish reading Vassa in the Night and complete a blog review of it immediately afterwards. I hope to accomplish this by the end of today.

Lest you think I did nothing but read and blog all weekend, I also
  • Went shopping twice, once for new clothes, and once for groceries
  • Went to church
  • Hung out with my daughter, made cookies, and watched Sense and Sensibility together
  • Watched UO Football game and when it got really lopsided in the score, watched the WSU game instead.
  • Took the dog to the Vet.
  • Went out to eat. OK, so it was only fish tacos at Taco del Mar, but still it was away from home.
  • Attempted to get some lab work done but realized I didn't have the correct paperwork with me. I'll try again next weekend.
  • Scheduled appointments
  • Tidied the house
All-in-all I accomplished what I set out to do and I am pleased with the weekend.