"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend, inside a dog it is too dark to read!" -Groucho Marx========="The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." -Jane Austen========="I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book."-JK Rowling========"I spend a lot of time reading." -Bill Gates=========“Ahhh. Bed, book, kitten, sandwich. All one needed in life, really.” -Jacqueline Kelly=========

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

TTT: Most read authors

The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Most Read Authors
(In no particular order. I just put them down as I thought of them.)

1. Barbara Kingsolver...I love everything she writes, fiction and non-fiction; she speaks for me on many issues or gives voice to my thoughts. Poisonwood Bible; Bean Trees; Small Miracles, etc.  8 1/2 books.

2. Jane Austen...I remember once being judgmental of a friend who was on a Jane Austen jag...that was before I went on my first Jane Austen jag!  I even read the Jane Austen knock-offs! Pride and Prejudice; Persuasion; Sense and Sensibility, etc. I haven't read any of her juvenilia but I have read her unfinished book and her novellas. 7+ books.
3.  John Green (YA)...I met John a few years a go at a conference and he was just like I thought he'd be, whatever that means.  I devour his books the minute they are published.  He's a little too edgy for some of my students. Looking for Alaska; Paper Towns; Will Grayson-Will Grayson, etc. 6 books.
4.  Libba Bray (YA)...With the award winning book Going Bovine Ms Bray showed her versatile talents as an author.  Love both styles I've read. A Great and Terrible Beauty, Going Bovine, Beauty Queens, etc.
5 books.

5.  Alexander McCall Smith...I am a huge, huge fan.  I've read books in all his series and adored them all.  I went to hear him speak and he is captivating and hilarious, and he was dressed like his picture.  A true gem. 44 Scotland Street series; #1 Ladies Detective Agency series, etc. I've read so many of his books I can't keep up with his series. I count 15+ books.

6.  Chris Crutcher (YA)...A champion against censorship and book banning, Chris also understands the plight of the underdogs in school.  His stories are very real and very easy to relate to. Deadline; Staying Fat for Sarah Brynes; etc. At one point I attempted to read all his books but had to abandon that project because so many of his books are no longer interesting to today's students. 9 books.

7. Bill Bryson (Non fiction)... Bill Bryson is phenomenal.  He can take any subject and make it fascinating and hilarious at the same time. Take for example his book A Short History of Nearly Everything which is essentially the history of science.  Sounds boring.  Not in the hands of the master, Bill Bryson.  I was completely captivated while I  learned all kinds of new bits of information. In a Sunburned Country; A Walk In the Woods; etc.  7 books.

8. C.S. Lewis (fiction and nonficiton)...The Chronicles of Narnia are in my top ten book series of all time. I've also read several of his nonfiction pieces and always learn something or have a new thought. 9+ books.

9. J.K. Rowling (fiction)... she obviously doesn't need an introduction. I've only read her Harry Potter books, not her adult books, some published under a pseudonym. 9 books.

10. Maggie Stiefvater
(fiction)...I love two of her series: The Wolves of Mercy Falls and The Raven Cycle. But my favorite of her books is Scorpio Races by a mile (pun intended.) 5 books.

NOTE: I usually spend a lot of time thinking about my TTT lists and checking for accuracy, etc. Not this week. This week I just start typing. A kind of stream-of-consciousness post which mainly includes favorite authors that just came into my brain when I was typing. I am sure, absolutely positive, I have read more books by other authors but at this moment don't recall them.