"Outside a dog a book is man's best friend, inside a dog it is too dark to read!" -Groucho Marx========="The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." -Jane Austen========="I don’t believe in the kind of magic in my books. But I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book."-JK Rowling========"I spend a lot of time reading." -Bill Gates=========“Ahhh. Bed, book, kitten, sandwich. All one needed in life, really.” -Jacqueline Kelly=========

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Emergency 24-Hour Blog-n-Readathon

Eek! I have a reading emergency. Time to drop everything and take care of business. Today I start an emergency blog-n-readathon due to congestion and a book pile-up.

Goal: To read or blog for 24 hours in the next 72 hours. Starting now.

  1.  Killers of a Certain Age by Raybourn -- Print. Currently completed 60%, 105 pages to go.
  2.  Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors by Dev -- Audio. Currently at 18 %, 12 hrs and 27 minutes to go.
  3.  Somehow: Thoughts on Love by Lamott -- Print. Library book due August 24. 191 pages to go.
  4.  A Bell for Adano by Hersey -- Print. Spin Book for Classics Club due Sept. 22. 269 pages to go.
  5.  Reading Genesis by Robinson -- Print. Another library book due in three weeks. Renewal not possible without waiting in another long line for it.
  6.   A Song for Achilles by Miller -- Audio. Currently completed 5%. 11 hours of listening left. Due in 13 days.
Past due blog reviews:
  1.  The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters -- Finished reading July 30th.
  2.  Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange -- finished reading August 8th.
  3.  North Woods by Daniel Mason -- finished reading August 9th.
My progress: I will record my progress here at the end of each day until 24 hours of reading/blogging is finished or 72 hours have passed, whichever happens first.

On your mark. Get set. Go!

1st Update...24 hours later
  • Completed: Killers of a Certain Age by Raybourn -- 2 hours
  • Progress: Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors by Dev -- Audio. Currently at 48 %, 7 hrs and 56 minutes to go. -- 4 1/2 hours
  • Started: Somehow: Thoughts on Love by Lamott -- 15 minutes
  • Total hours: 6 hours, 45 minutes.
2nd Update...48 hours later
  • Progress: Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors by Dev -- Audio. Currently at 61 %, 5 hrs and 55 minutes to go. -- 2 hours
  • Progress: Somehow: Thoughts on Love by Lamott -- reading and blogging about it at same time --33% complete, pg. 68. -- 2 1/2 hours
  • Progress:  A Song for Achilles by Miller -- Audio. Currently completed 20%,  9 hours of listening left. -- 1 1/2 hours
  • Blogging: Review for North Woods. -- 2 hours
  • Total hours for the day: 8 hours. Total for the readathon so far: 14 hours, 45 minutes
3rd and final update...72 hours later
  • Progress: Pride, Prejudice and Other Flavors by Dev -- Audio. Currently at 89 %, 1 hr and 39 minutes to go. -- 4 1/2 hours
  • Progress: Somehow: Thoughts on Love by Lamott -- reading and blogging about it at same time --63% complete, pg. 129. -- 2  hours
  • Progress:  A Song for Achilles by Miller -- Audio. Currently completed 24%,  8 1/2 hours of listening left. -- 1/2 hour
  • Blogging: Review for The Berry Pickers -- 2 hours
  • Blogging: Review for Killers of a Certain Age (scheduled for Thursday publication) -- 45 minutes
  • Started: A Bell for Adano. 260 pages left to go. 
  • Total Hours for the day: 9 hours, 45 minutes. Total for the readathon: 24 hours and 30 minutes
My thoughts/observations:
  • I am so close to finishing Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors. (Approximately 50 pages left.) Whew. It has been a slog listening to what will be over 15 hours of the audiobook. A goodly amount of my time on this readathon was spent listening to it (13+ hours)
  • Though I only completed one book, I made progress on four others. That makes me feel calmer since all of those books have been screaming for attention for weeks! Now they all know I will get to them and their turn is coming! 
  • I completed three reviews. It is not the three I'd planned, but the best laid plans.
  • I blogged as I was reading Anne Lamott's book, so I am halfway finished with that review.
  • How I want to review Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors has come into focus. Look for that this coming week as I hope to finish the book today.
  • A Song for Achilles is probably going to be the last book I finish because I am listening to it with my husband. We only listen when we are in the car together. I hope the library will allow a renewal.
Upcoming bookish goals/plans:
  • Finish Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors today and write a review for it to be published by next weekend or before.
  • Finish Somehow: Thoughts on Love. Polish and finish review by Friday. Return to the library by that date.
  • Continue reading A Bell for Adano. Renew book, if needed.
  • Plan what to carry with me on the plane to Wisconsin. Possible audiobook: Transcendent Kingdom.
  • Start: Reading Genesis.
Three days later:
  • I've finished Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors the book and blogpost.
  • I've completed Somehow: Thoughts of Love, both the book and the blogpost.
  • I've listened to more of A Song for Achilles. Completing 57%, only 4 1/2 hours left of listening time.
  • I started Reading Genesis and decided it wasn't for me. I've already returned it to the library.
  • I've made progress on A Bell for Adano, Gather, and Transcendent Kingdom. There is no standing still in the reading world. Onward!
  • Tonight I hope to start my review of Wandering Stars which I will post sometime next week.
  • I'm feeling good about my progress!

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