My favorite YA books of the year changes just about everyday. But since I am out of time I'll land somewhere and hope some of my favorites end up on the actual list tomorrow. They are listed in alphabetical order by title.
The Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith---My opinion has been back and forth on this book but I really, really like it with all its funkiness, even though it is quite controversial.

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton---a beautifully worked tale full of magical realism and enough symbolism to make an English teacher salivate.

scare the living daylights out of the reader with seven interconnected written and illustrated by Ms. Carroll. The illustrations are wild, colorful, and creepy.

Now I doubt that all of these books will get picked by the Printz committee and I honestly won't be sad if they don't, with the possible exception of I'll Give you the Sun. I suspect that they will pick some book(s) I haven't even heard of before. It happens every year.
My predictions of the books the committee will actually select:

I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson---I don't think they will be able to resist the interconnected stories, the two narrators, and the brilliant writing.

This One Summer by Mariko and Jillian Tamaki---a graphic novel that accurately handles a coming-of-age moment. Is it time for anothe graphic novel to win the award or and honor? I think so.
When I Discovered Poetry by Marilyn Nelson---a memoir written in exquisite poetry, more specifically 50 unrhymed sonnets about Nelson's life from age four to fourteen. Interestingly, the complexity of the poems and the depth of understanding matures as the narrator ages.

I like all of these books and won't be disturbed if any of them are selected.
Now we wait until tomorrow morning. just a few hours and we will know.
So I didn't do too bad, picking three of the five Printz award books honored this year: I'll Give You the Sun won! Grasshopper Jungle and This One Summer took honors.