Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Nonfiction reviews.

Over the past eleven days I have posted the reviews I wrote for all the Cybils finalist books reviewed for the JH/SH Nonfiction category. I liked all of the books this year and felt very lucky to be part of the process.

In case you missed one or two of them, the titles are hyperlinked. Which of the books appeal to you the most? Be sure to visit the Cybils website to see which of the books won is each of the categories and then start reading. Check out the amazing winners at this link!

Senior finalists and winner:
Junior High finalists and winner:


  1. My favorites would be Mummies, Torpedoed and One Person, No Vote. They interest me the most!

  2. These sound wonderful. I'm especially interested in 1919 and Dreamland.

  3. After reading your reviews, I feel like they all sound good. But, I especially like the senior high winner.


I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.