Monday, March 1, 2021

TTT: My Most Popular Blog Posts in 2020

 Top Ten Tuesday: 

(Off the board) My most popular blog posts in 2020 based on comments / traffic.

1. Review: Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Letham. Feb. 28, 2020. (4/1202)

2. Review: Burial Rites by Hannah Kent. Jan.2, 2020 (25/182)

3. Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite books published in the last decade. Jan. 13, 2020 (35/199)

4. Review: Normal People by Sally Rooney. Jan. 17, 2020. (23/167)

5. Top Ten Tuesday: Starred Reviews. Feb. 3, 2020. (19/318)

6. Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Like that I Don't Talk About Much. April 13, 2020. (26/182)

7. Review: Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry. April 24, 2020. (27/303)

8. Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Wish I'd Read as a Child. April 27, 2020 (46/593)

9. Editorial: Black Lives Matter---A Look at the Literature. June 5, 2020 (14/238)

10. Review: Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds. June 13, 2020 (12/755)

11. Sunday Salon: Independence Day and So Much More. July 5, 2020. (34/230)

12. Top Ten Tuesday: Pets I Have or Would Name After Book Characters. Nov. 16, 2020. (44/150)

13. Sunday Salon: Sept. 13th. Sept. 13, 2020. (27/197)

14. Sunday Salon: On the Count Down. Oct. 24, 2020. (25/188)

Wow. this was harder to do than one would think. I'm actually not exactly sure if I really captured the most popular posts or not. I do think it is interesting that most are from the first half of the year, which makes sense in terms of more time on the Internet.



  1. Blog statistics are interesting, but I tend to forget to look at them. About every 6 months I'll take a look and I do love to see which countries viewers/readers are from. I am also always amazed at the number of views overall.

    1. I don't often consult my statistics either. But occasionally I find myself glancing at them. When I noticed the Motherless Brooklyn stats I decided I should explore deeper. I didn't really find any other big surprises. I do like getting comments, as we all I do but I have come to feel content with blogging even without them.

  2. I never know which posts are the most popular. I judge by most comments, although many who read don't comment. On your book reviews, I only do so if I've read the book.

    1. I had that confirmed when I looked at the stats or Motherless Brooklyn. Over 1200 views? When did that happen? Did the visitors actually read the review?

  3. This is a great idea. I never seem to know which ones are most popular of my own and sometimes I want to resurrect a post if I think no one saw it haha! I'm going to bookmark several of these to check out... :):)

    1. I was kind of curious how my stats for TTT looked and wasn't surprised when a few of these weekly posts topped my list. I know participation in this and other weekly memes and helped drive up traffic, though I have gained very few ardent followers. We are all too busy I would guess.

    2. Yeah I love the hits from TTT and similar memes but it's a mixed blessing- doesn't always translate to ardent followers, as you say. It's interesting how commenters/ followers differ from memes like this and Sunday Post as opposed to just regular daily visitors...

  4. I'm so happy to see both a list of books you love but don't talk about as much and a post on BLM. Both of these are things I've thought about and written about in the last year as well (I think, on the first one) and the second is such an important topic to be engaging with at the moment! Great post idea!

    1. Yes. I was pleased that my BLM post had quite a few hits. I worked on it very hard for a few weeks and even recommended it to a writer for the Seattle Times newspaper. I doubt anything happened with that but I was trying to spread the word. I should go back and update it again.

  5. This was an interesting TTT! I need to look back and see what mine were. Thanks for stopping by :)


  6. It's always cool to look back and see what your most popular posts were!

    My post:

  7. I'm always surprised when people leave a comment. Surprised and pleased.

    1. I am always so grateful for comments. This is especially true if I spend a lot of time creating the post but often there is no correlation.

  8. This is an interesting exercise. One I should try too.

  9. I should try to do that as well. Interesting topic! You should send it to Jana to add it to a TTT prompt!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier.

  10. Fun idea, I definitely should do this too some day (or just look at my stats a bit more consistently ;) )

    1. I actually found it to be pretty taxing. I wasn't sure if this was the correct measure to capture popularity. Oh well, it is a snapshot.

  11. I love what you decided to showcase this week! I'm always no interested in the nitty-gritty of things, so blog statistics are always fascinating.

  12. I need to read Burial Rites one of these days. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier!

    Lauren @ Always Me


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