Thursday, January 3, 2019

Cybils finalists announced

Cybils Finalists were announced on January 1st. Check out their web page for the all the finalists in all the categories. The Junior High/Senior High Nonfiction Categories that I helped judge are listed below. We had some excellent selections this year.

Junior High Nonfiction:

Senior High Nonfiction:

Read my reviews by clicking the hyperlinks:
JH: Disappearing Spoon; Apollo 8; Chasing King's Killer; Boots on the Ground; Spooked; Capsized; Facing Frederick.
SH: The Faithful Spy, The Grand Escape; Votes for Women; We Say #NeverAgain; Bonnie and Clyde; We Are Not Equal Yet; Just Mercy.
As you see, I still am a few reviews behind but will update this page as I get the last of the reviews written.


  1. Glad to see some of your favorites made the list of finalists! I have already begun reading the finalists for my category (graphic novels) and am enjoying the choices made by the round 1 judges!

  2. An incredible amount of work--but you accomplished so much!

  3. I wish more junior high and high school students were aware of the wonderful nonfiction out there. Thank you for your work on the panel!


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