Thursday, November 18, 2021

Read. Read. Read. Read. Blog. Read. Read. Read.

My blogging to reading ratio is out of whack, again! I keep reading and not blogging, or more correctly, I am not reviewing the books I finish in a timely manner. So, once again, I have to goad myself to get going, to write those reviews, to finish the project, so to speak. This list is for me. If I see all the books still needed/wanted to review in one spot, it helps me focus on the task at hand.

Date read: September 13th
Date reviewed: Nov. 19th

Book: Mary Jane
Date read: Oct. 2nd
Date reviewed: Nov. 19th
Date read: Oct. 25th
Date reviewed: Dec. 1st
Date read: Oct. 26th
Date reviewed: Nov. 18th
Date read: Oct. 29th
Date reviewed: Nov. 19th
Date read: Nov. 5th
Date reviewed: Nov. 25th
Date read: Nov. 5th
Date reviewed: Nov. 19th

Date read: Nov. 15th
Date reviewed: Nov. 20th
Book: Matrix
Date read: Nov. 17
Date reviewed: Dec. 3rd

Watch this space. I will update as reviews are completed.



  1. Reading is the easy part. Reviewing takes just about as long as reading the book, but is so much more work! I used to review a lot more books, but have read more recently that I haven't reviewed, and it feels like a bit of a vacation. I hope that you get back into some sort of comfortable groove. I have every faith in your ability to do so!

    1. When I was a high school librarian I used to pretty much only review the YA books I read. Now that I am retired I am ticked that I didn't review the adult books from that period as well. Those are the ones I want to look back on to see my thoughts from the time. Sigh. I did it backwards.

  2. I am with you here! Especially doing Novellas in November, thus reading two books for every normal one I would do as standard, and doing Nonfiction November and the prompts every Monday. I just managed to review four books in the past two days, once more to go and in the middle of reading three so I feel like I'll never catch up!

  3. Sometimes taking stock of where we are in blogging/a project is what we need to get it done. Good luck catching up on reviews. I find if I don't do them right away, they don't get done.


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