Sunday, August 15, 2021

Sunday Salon -- mid August

Weather: It has been hot and muggy. Today is sunny. We are also under air quality danger advisement due to forest fires in the region making the air smokey.

Vacation: We got back from a week-long vacation/family reunion last Sunday. Twenty-two members of my family converged at a resort in Central Oregon for a fun week of swimming, eating, playing games, hiking, golfing, meeting new family members, bird-watching, reading, sleeping, boating, rock-skipping, floating, mountain climbing, frisbee-golfing, communing with nature, arm wrestling, story-telling, food-trucking, singing (yes, singing), and mini-golfing. I love my family and feel so blessed.

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing: Years ago when my girls were young we took them to see a play called "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" from the book by Judy Blume. It was a fun and funny play with Fudge, the little brother of Peter, played by a large man. Fudge hated to eat and would yell "eat or wear it" all the time. At one point Fudge upends a bowl of spaghetti on his head and runs around the stage screaming his mantra. Yesterday our daughter and her family shared a meal with us. You guessed it, we had spaghetti. Jamie, our eleven month grandchild loves spaghetti so much but he ends up wearing it. My daughter knew this and had him eat the meal in just his diapers. No other clothes. I couldn't help but think of the play we'd seen years before with Fudge running around screaming, "Eat it or wear it!" Hope the video works so you can see a moment of our meal.
The big guy is Fudge.

Books read since my last Sunday Salon in mid-July (click on title for review):

  •  Stitches: A Handbook of Meaning, Hope, and Repair by Anne Lamott. I found this to have some really important messages of hope I needed to hear right now. Print.
  • The Cold Millions by Jess Walter. A book club selection about the labor riots in Washington State in the early 1900s. Audio.
  • Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. We listened to this book on our way to and from our vacation locale. Loved it. Audio.
  • One of Ours by Willa Cather. My Classics Club spin selection for the summer. The book was longer than it seemed at first glance. E-book.

Currently reading:

  •  The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris. Based on the experiences of a real person, a Jewish man, who was forced to tattoo prisoners arriving in Auschwitz. Another book club selection. Print and audio. 75% complete.
  • Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. A past Pulitzer Prize winner. A collection of stories about people of Indian descent. Print. 22% complete.
  • The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich. The Pulitzer Prize winner from this year and an upcoming book club selection. Audio. 9% complete.

A few funny/philosophical thoughts to amuse you this Sunday:

Have a wonderful week!



  1. Oh, Anne, what a wonderful vacation and family reunion for you!! We still haven't seen any family at all except my mom and her husband because my FIL needs daily care so we can't travel yet. Miss them all so much!

    Your photos are great - looks like so much fun and what a gorgeous place!!

    And so many good books, too! I loved The Night Watchman, and my husband enjoyed Project Hail Mary - it's in my stack for the fall. And, of course, my sons (and I) are VERY familiar with Fudge's famous refrain!!

    Glad you had such a wonderful time - enjoy your books this week!


    Book By Book

    1. I have an incredible mother who facilitates these family reunions every year by paying for the condos where we all stay with her World Mark points. This year all of the family but one of my nieces made the trip at least for part of the week.

  2. Oh that sounds like such a wonderful time! I love food trucks by the way haha. Sounds fun. :)

  3. That sounds like such a wonderful family get away--so many fabulous activities. I loved "Cold Millions" but am struggling with "The Night Watchman." Niko also wears his spaghetti and we usually have a bunch of it on the floor. :)

    1. I thought the Night Watchman was hard to get into because of the audiobook. How far are you in it?

  4. Family reunions are a great idea especially during this time. It looked like a lot of fun.

  5. "Mask it or casket" is awesome. People are so clever.

    I am interested to see what you think of the Tattooist of Auschwitz.

    1. I'm afraid the sarcasm would be wasted on the people who need to hear the message.

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful family vacation. I hope you have a great week!

  7. What a fabulous week of family! All the activities sound delightful, especially singing, playing games, rock-skipping, and storytelling. We got together for Father's Day for my dad, when Covid was in rapid decline. We are planning a get-together, masked this time, over Labor Day, to meet our new family member.

    I was very disappointed we could not find Project Hail Mary for our road trip this weekend, but I will be watching for it. Oddly, the library has no CDs of it, and there is no streaming right now.

    ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ "They'll know we are Christians by our love." ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

    Humor and love seems so important right now. I can't remember a time when I've had so many friend and family members facing so many terrible situations. The two tools I am relying on are humor and love. And I spend a lot of time in prayer!

    1. I have a subscription to Audible for just those occasions when my library doesn't have the audiobook I want when I want it.

      We are all being challenged right now. I am currently reading a book set in a WWII concentration camp. It reminds me that things could be worse, much worse.

  8. What a wonderful time you must have had with family. So many have not had that luxury and sorely miss it. I loved your all of your funnies this week. They made me laugh and so darn true too!

    1. If a "funny" makes me laugh out loud, I find joy in it and want to share. I had double the amount that I posted, so will have plenty for next week.

  9. What a fun vacation collage! Love it! I added almost all of your mentioned books to my TBR list. Your reviews are amazing. Thank you for sharing!

  10. It sounds like you had a fantastic week! I don't remember "Eat it or wear it" but I'm such a messy eater, it must be my unconscious motto! My husband's cousin's in-laws always have a huge family reunion every year (huge because there are a lot of siblings). They rented an entire old kid's camp near us one year so we were able to join them for the day. It was a lot of fun!

    I read Project Hail Mary on my Kindle but I keep hearing so many good things about the audio that I wish I'd checked that out instead. I still really liked it though.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. That would be fun to rent out a whole camp and stay in cabins by family. When I was growing up we would have a family camp for church every year at a camp ground owned by the broader church. I looked forward to those week-ends immensely, even if we had to stay in cabins barely insulated and lit by one bare bulb.


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