Monday, June 3, 2024

TTT: Books That Made Me CRY

Top Ten Tuesday:
Recent reads that made me cry, or at least the last ten nine where I mentioned crying in my review. I've included the actual quote I made about crying. (Titles are hyperlinked if you'd like to read more.) 

1. I Cheerfully Refuse by Leif Enger
"We sat together in our living room listening for the last hour of the narration, me crying softly for the sweetness of the end of the story, thinking about the whole idea of endings and new beginnings, and how deeply books can make one feel."
2. Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
"But the parting, when Josie was leaving for college, was so impersonal. I cried."
3. West With Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge
"I truly loved the ending. I was blubbering big, wet tears."
4. When Women Were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill
"I laughed, I cringed, I cried."
5. Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano
"Drink plenty of Gatorade before or during the last twenty percent of the book. I didn't and I feel lightheaded and dehydrated from my tears. At one point I had to stop listening just so I could get control of my sobbing. SOBBING."
6. Star Fish by Lisa Fipps
 "I cried and cried for Ellie and for the memory of my fat-shamed days."
"But the ending was almost perfect and I think I cried for the last one hundred pages solid."
8. The Road by Cormac McCarthy
(I'm crying right now. I didn't realize how profoundly this book touched me until I started writing this review.)
"I cried for the whole last quarter of the book but felt joy instead of sadness at its end."
10.    I got tired of looking at my past reviews, ones where I know I cried while reading the books but apparently didn't mention in my reviews. So I stopped.


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