Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sunday Salon -- Mid June

Happy Father's Day! We spent yesterday celebrating with Don at our first Mariner's Baseball Game since before COVID. Our team lost but we did have fun.

Weather: Rain showers. Yay! It's been so dry for the past few months, the earth is screaming its appreciation for these refreshing showers

Give It a Try in July Reading Challenge: I am hosting a challenge to try 5-10 books in July. A try mean to read 50-75 pages of each book and decide if it is time to toss it or put it back on the shelf to read in the future. Find our more about this challenge here and sign up if you'd like to join me. 

Tumble: I fell during a dog walk two weeks ago and got pretty banged up. It hit my head but wasn't knocked out. My glasses broke and I bruised my knee, ribs, and right hand. I worried it was broken, but x-rays confirmed it is not. Fortunately the fall happened fairly close to home and my husband was working outside so he came to my rescue.  No more dog-walking for me in sandals, listening to audiobooks on my phone, without my walking stick. Sigh. 

Books: I finished one book this week, if you don't count the seven children's books I read by Amy Klouse Rosenthal. I am finishing up five others:


I hope you join me in Give It a Try in July Challenge.


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