Monday, January 2, 2023

2023 Reading Challenges and How I Did On My 2022 Goals


2023 reading challenges and goals:

1. One Big Book 

Personal Challenge
Read one book during the year that I consider a challenging book; a book I've avoided reading for years due to its daunting nature. Must be completed by 12/31/23. 
My One Big Book for 2023 is: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas 

2. Pulitzer Challenge

Read the current Pulitzer Prize winner announced in March of each year. And read past winners off a list I created.  The books I hope to read this year, and then I will be DONE with this challenge:
1. 2023 winner: TBA
2. 2013 winner: Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson
3. 2007 winner: The Road by Cormac McCarthy
4. 2004 winner: The Known World by Edward Jones
5. 2001 winner: The Amazing Kavalier and Clay by Michael Charbon

3. National Book Award Challenge
Every year the National Book Award is given out in five categories: Fiction, Nonfiction. Poetry, Translated Literature; Young People's Literature. My goal is to read two of the five winners (or finalists) per year. This award is not announced until November.
4. Goodreads Challenge
Read 110+ in 2023.
I will keep track of my books on the Goodreads website.
5. Classics Club List
About ten years ago I created a list of 50 classic books I wanted to read. I kept adding titles to the list faster than I read them. I still have about 30 books left on that expanded list. In 2023 I want to read at least five titles from my list.
6. Super Past Due Reviews
A personal challenge
Five favorite books I've never reviewed on my blog, challenging myself to write and publish reviews.
7.  Write reviews for all book club selections

A personal goal.
I usually read 23 books a year for my two book clubs. Review them all on my blog.


Update on 2022 Reading Challenges:

1. One Big Book 

Personal Challenge
Read one book during the year that I consider a challenging book; a book I've avoided reading for years due to its daunting nature. Must be completed by 12/31/22.
My 2022 One Big Book was: Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. Completed Aug. 28, 2022.

2. Pulitzer Challenge

Read the current Pulitzer Prize winner announced in March of each year. And read past winners off a list I created. My current goal is to complete this challenge this year and then stay current from this year forward. (I've been working on this challenge for years and I am ready to be done with it.) The books I hope to read this year:
1. 2022 winner: The Netanyaus by Joshua Cohen ✔️
2. 2013 winner: Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson
3. 2007 winner: The Road by Cormac McCarthy
4. 2004 winner: The Known World by Edward Jones
5. 2001 winner: The Amazing Kavalier and Clay by Michael Charbon
6. 1940 winner: Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck ✔️
My goal was to read six Pulitzer Prize winners and I only read two. 4 books short of my goal. 
3. National Book Award Challenge
Every year the National Book Award is given out in five categories: Fiction, Nonfiction. Poetry, Translated Literature; Young People's Literature. My goal is to read two of the five winners (or finalists) per year. This award is not announced until November.
I read the Translated Literature winner: Seven Empty Houses and the Young People's Literature winner: All My Rage. Completed.
4.  Audiobook Challenge
Hosts: Caffeinated Book Reviewer and That's What I'm Talkin' About
I am aiming to listen to 20-30 audiobooks in 2022, which is the Binge Listener level.
I listened to 45 audiobooks, far exceeding my goal!

5. Discussion Challenge
Hosts: Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Begins at Midnight.
Post a discussion topic related to books, reading, or related topics.
I'm aiming to complete the beginning level, Discussion Dabbler or 1-10 posts in 2022. 
I ended up posting four discussion diaries.

6. Goodreads Challenge
Read 120+ in 2022.
I will keep track of my books on the Goodreads website.
I read 198+ books this year after reading 60 Cybils nominated books, and many children's books as part as a personal challenge with my grandson.

7. Classics Club List
About ten years ago I created a list of 50 classic books I wanted to read. I kept adding titles to the list faster than I read them. I still have about 30 books left on that expanded list. In 2022 I want to read at least eight books from my list.
I only read four books known as classics from my list. 

8. Narniathon21
Host: Calmgrove
Read one book in the Chronicles of Narnia series per month and interact with the monthly writing prompt and discussion.
I completed this challenge by reading all the books in the series and participating in the discussion challenge.

9. Super Past Due Reviews
A personal challenge
I selected ten favorite books I've never reviewed on my blog, challenging myself to write and publish reviews.
Five super late reviews were completed.

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