Monday, September 14, 2020

TTT: The Evolution of Book Covers

Top Ten Tuesday: The Evolution of Books Covers

1. Pride and Prejudice... so many to choose from now.

2. The Tale of Peter Rabbit...why mess with success?

3. The Hobbit... can you believe how ugly the original book was? But why not feature an actual hobbit?

4. Animal Farm...A Fairy Story? Really? Notice that part of the title is dropped.

5.To Kill a Mockingbird...the original cover is still available, too.

6. A Clockwork Orange...I don't like either of the covers or the book.

 7. A Wrinkle in Time...I think the version I read the first time had a creepy, Sci-Fi cover.

8. Slaughterhouse-Five...I don't think either of these covers capture the message of the book.

9. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone...I love every edition.



  1. Ooh The Hobbit- fun! And yes isn't it funny how some covers really change?

  2. Interesting to see how covers change over time.
    My TTT:

  3. I'm glad they kept Peter Rabbit more or less the same. :)

    My post .

  4. It's interesting how little Peter Rabbit has changed.

  5. Great take on this week's topic! I love really old books like the first Pride and Prejudice. I don't have any that are quite that old though. Here is my Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  6. These are fun, and I remember several of the original covers.

    1. I like to see the evolution of covers. Some are so trendy though they couldn't possibly last more than a decade.

  7. What a super fun way to do this week's TTT! I have to admit, I think the modern day version of A Wrinkle in Time is a huge improvement over the old one. :D

  8. Oooh! Great list! It's great seeing how each covers have evolved over the years!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  9. It's fascinating to see how the covers have changed over the years. Most of the old books I see at antique shows have little on the front covers. I was surprised to find that that is the norm in France, too.

  10. Cool spin on the topic! Wow, The Hobbit cover was ugly. I’m glad that one got a redesign.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. I tend to like the version that I've read. I like the original of both HP and To Kill a Mockingbird

  12. I really like the newer A Wrinkle in Time edition, but maybe that's because that's the edition I read.


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