Saturday, September 19, 2020

Sunday Salon, RBG Edition

Weather: We've had a few days of rain and showers. The smokey air has lessened and the temperatures have dropped.

Family: Welcome Jamie Thomas Adams. Our second grandson made his entrance on Wednesday after a short labor. He has already captured our hearts.


  • Currently reading
    • Redhead By the Side of the Road by Anne Tyler---a book club selection. (Audio, 51%)
    • Writers and Lovers by Lily King---This one showed up on a list of best books of 2020. I like it so far. (Audio, 19%)
    • Princess Bride by William Goldman---a classic that I've never read. I've seen the movie many times, obviously. (E-Book, 10%)
  • Completed this week 
    • James Herriot's Cat Stories. A reread. Just what I needed. Calm, soothing animal stories. (Print)
    • True Trump by Ross Rosenfeld. I could barely make myself read this book because I hate Trump so much I didn't want to be immersed in his life for hours on end. Not the author's fault. (I don't think the author likes him either.) (E-book)

Please listen: "Lift Every Voice and Sing", also known as the Black National Anthem, sung by Alicia Keys, played at the NFL games last Sunday. (Thanks Kathy for sharing this with me.)

Super Sad: The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg has hit me very hard. Yet, I can barely make myself read anything about her or the politics of what is to come now that she is gone. It helps to watch video tributes like this one on ABC News, or photo montages like this one on CNN. The photo below was taken at the spontaneous memorial that sprung up in front of the Supreme Court on Friday night. I think the little statue of RBG is so cute and the candle, with the words "Choose Happiness" partially obscured, so perfect. She would have loved this.

Good News:

1. Joe Biden has a great sense of humor. (From Day 62 of 100 Days of Loving Joe Biden)

2. Well, this is cool. Very cool. "Solar-powered Panels Pull Water Out of the Air for Navajo Families Who Have None." This is high-tech for a great use. (GNN)

3. Trump lied about Science. This is bad news. But in the early part of week the editorial board in Science Magazine called Trump out for his lies about the coronavirus. It is good news that finally Trump is being called out for his lies! (Science) Later in the week Scientific American, a publication that has never endorsed a presidential candidate in its 175-year history, endorsed Joe Biden. Here is part of what they said---

The evidence and the science show that Donald Trump has badly damaged the U.S. and its people—because he rejects evidence and science. The most devastating example is his dishonest and inept response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which cost more than 190,000 Americans their lives by the middle of September. He has also attacked environmental protections, medical care, and the researchers and public science agencies that help this country prepare for its greatest challenges. That is why we urge you to vote for Joe Biden, who is offering fact-based plans to protect our health, our economy and the environment. These and other proposals he has put forth can set the country back on course for a safer, more prosperous and more equitable future. (Scientific American)

4. Imagine what it is like to be a black man in America. Reality vs. Perception, a poem by Tyler Lockett, wide receiver for the Seattle Seahawks (our NFL team!). Please watch this and ask yourself this important question.

5. RNC used Russian military images for its ad campaign...three times.

 6. Defund the police? This cartoon by Neal Skorpen does a great job explaining what it means.

On the lighter side:

1. A tweet from Mark Hamill, aka Luke Skywalker:

2.The news often makes it seem like everyone in rural areas of America supports Trump. It's good to know that is not totally true.

3. I'd say I've fallen to these four horsemen:

4. I hope this is true...that everyone fights with their last ounce of strength to make sure their vote counts this year.

5. Sesame Street seems to understand us. (Contributed by Rita)

6. Hopefully this will happen: Reset to normal.

Bonus. One more photo of little Jamie Thomas. Here he is hanging onto his mama's toe while he is having his first examination.

One more time. Thank you, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.



  1. A lovely post, full of joys and sorrows. In a non-pandemic world, I would have loved to have met and held Jamie, but now I'll need to be content with photos. Thanks for sharing the thought provoking and funny memes. My spirits definitely need a lift. (although the fresh air is such a relief!)

    1. I can't believe we went from 200+ to 13 in seemingly overnight. What a relief.

  2. So much joy and sadness in one week. Focus on what is important. We will fire 45, send McConnell packing and you can enjoy those wonderful grand babies.

    1. When I want to despair about the death of RBG all I have to do is look at a photo of Jamie to remind me to stay positive for the future.

  3. I proposed a reread of James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small for our bookclub. Something light and hopeful, I think.

    Goodbye, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Thank you for your good work. You will always be an inspiration for us.

    Look at that amazing new person. Welcome to the planet, Jamie.

    Now I feel ready to face the new week. Remembering a strong woman. Reflecting on what it's like to be a black man in America. Thinking about ways to go forward in a positive and hopeful way. Ready to do my part. And more.

    1. I had forgotten how much I like James Herriot's stories. I will look to see if I have another volume of his to read. I need its soothing tone.

  4. You brought a tear to my eye with this post. I am Canadian and I just despair at what is happening south of us.
    Very sad to hear of RBG's death and so afraid of what tRUMP will do now.
    I fear for all of us.

    1. That is why I like the Joebi-wan meme. Help us Joe Bi-Wan you're our only hope.

  5. As you know, I'm not an American, but even I know who RBG was. Great loss, but she does leave one heck of a legacy.

    Congrats on the birth of your grandson! May he bring you much happiness and joy.

    The Sesame street poster is so funny, thanks for sharing that!

    Hope you will have a good week. Here's my The Sunday Post #12

    1. I love the Sesame post, too. It makes me smile just to think of it.

  6. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson! Such a happy event in a year full of heartache and turmoil. I'm devastated by the loss of RBG... she was my hero. Thanks for sharing the Sesame Street meme. I needed aa laugh today!

    1. I think RBG was just about every female's hero. It is amazing to think how much she has done for women during the span of her career.

  7. Glad you can find some humor in politics. I try to remind myself these people are all human at the end of the day.

  8. Joebi-Wan! LOL! I found a "Fresh Cup of Joe" coloring book at the grocery store the other day. It showed Joe in many moods, from fighting a grizzly bare handed to reading The Audacity of Hope in the library, ascot, smoking jacket, and all. I have to admit to giggling to myself as I thumbed through it. Then the news about RBG came out. Ugh. Anyway.

    Congratulations! Jamie is a cutie!

    1. I will look for that coloring book. Sounds like it is worth the money just for the laughs.

  9. Congratulations on your new grandson, what a cutie and a ray of hope in these dark times

    Wishing you a great reading week

  10. Aww, a baby! Congratulations! I love that “Rural, Not Stupid” sign. Unfortunately, in my rural area, I’m the only anti-Trump person I know. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. Congratulations on your new grandson! What an adorable cutie!

    I'm hoping, hoping, and sincerely hoping that Biden wins the election. I don't know that I can stomach four more years of this crap.

  12. Congrats on your grandson!

    It's so sad about RBG.

    I hope you have a great week.

  13. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson! We need to focus on the joys in life so that the sad things don't overwhelm us. Enjoy your reading week.

  14. As always, a great Sunday post! Congratulations on the birth of your second grandson; I am so glad it all went well. What a joy for you in this topsy-turvy time. The death of RBG feels like par for the course this year, which just sucks. I know that's not a good way of saying it, but it's how I'm feeling :-)

  15. I just watched the NFL video and that is powerful!


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