Saturday, June 20, 2020

Sunday Salon, More Good News Edition

Strawberries are so irresistible this time of year. So are grandsons covered with berry juice.

Weather: It was overcast and partially rainy on Saturday, who knows how the weather will shake out Sunday.

I am attempting here to deliver, in one spot, all the good news I can find in one week of searching. If you missed last week's good news edition, follow this link.

More good news:
  • Supreme Court ruled in a stunning 6-3 decision written by Justice Neil Gorsuch, that LGBTQ people cannot be discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity. (NPR)
  • Researchers in the UK have discovered that the low-dose steroid treatment dexamethasone is a major breakthrough in the fight against the deadly coronavirus.The drug, which is inexpensive and readily available worldwide, helps persons with severe cases of COVID to recover. It cuts the risk of death by one-third.(BBC)                                                                                               
  • A San Francisco company is using ex-convicts to recycle electronics and other recyclables.
    “Our main mission is not recycling, at all. Our mission is to help people that are coming out of jail and prison with training, mental health, drug addiction, housing, and then help them get a job,” said program director Andrew King. “We do that through recycling.” (GNN)
  • Pandemic of Love: a new website sprung up in March by one women hoping to help her own community. Now it has over 400 volunteers all over the US who have helped over 132,000 people hit hard by this pandemic. (P of L Website)
  • 'Breonna's Law was created by the Louisville, KY City Council after taking a 26-0 (unanimous) vote. Police will no longer be able to obtain and use no-knock warrants. It is named for Breonna Taylor who was asleep in her bed when police entered her home on a no-knock warrant looking for her boyfriend. She was shot eight times. (CNN)
  • Fox News mistakenly covers troll using a quote from the 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' film when reporting on Seattle protests. Not recognizing it as a quote from the movie, Fox News referred to it as if the group in question was real. (Watch the little clip of it here on The Independent.) Ha-ha!
  • A new park in Florence, Oregon needed a name. The citizenry was asked for suggestions and the winning name was 'Exploding Whale Memorial Park.' Why such a quirky name? You have got to see this short news clip for the answer. (It will make your day.  I promise you will laugh for hours!)
  • A Kentucky tattoo parlor is creatively covering up hateful, racist, or gang-related tattoos for free. (GNN)
  • Blood plasma from recovered COVD patients is now considered a safe treatment for those ill from the disease. The sooner they get the plasma, the better for full recovery. (WaPo)
  • Friday was Juneteenth, a oft forgotten day in American history. But thanks to Trump's blunders this past week, everyone knows about this holiday now and many companies are declaring it a business holiday. Sen. Harris and Booker are asking the Senate to make it a National holiday. Things are changing fast, folks! Hang on for more good news to follow on this topic.
    "Juneteeth commemorates the ending of slavery in 1865, when the last enslaved Americans learned that they had been freed. Today, we educate ourselves about our history, listen & learn, & determine what actions we can take to create a community free of hate, violence, & racism."
  • And the sweetest love story, couple, married for 67 years, were reunited after five weeks of separation due to COVID. (Today Show)
  • Books about racism and antiracism are topping the best-seller lists! (NYT)
  • Trump supporters in Michigan are burning their absentee ballot applications in protest. Ha-ha! Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Come November when coronavirus is raging, they may wish they had that absentee ballot!  (Detroit Daily News)

Needs some laughs? Here you go:

This isn't funny. It is terrifying.

And some important thoughts for the day...

On a personal note:

1. I finished reading Hinds' Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurnard. It is a thought-provoking Christian allegory.
2. My grandson and his mom picked strawberries (see photo above.) We saw him afterwards and think he was wearing more strawberries than he picked.
3. For Father's Day, our daughter and grandson, took Don and I on a lovely hike in the Grove of the Patriarchs, part of Rainier National Park. We had a lovely hike and made it back to the car just as it started to rain. Whew!
Don, Rita, Ian, and I in the Grove of the Patriarchs

4. Lastly,  Fred and George discovered computer mice this week.



  1. Love all the positive news and uplifting stories in here! That looks like a wonderful hike--was it hard? John and I are looking for good hikes.

  2. Well... I do hope that none of your followers take offense to this. Personally, I loved this post!

    1. Yes, I know I am running that risk but I figure it is my blog and if someone doesn't like what I say or link they don't have to read it. Honestly, I think readers must be pretty logical people because I have had very few 'anti' comments over the years and lots and lots of comments that line up with my thinking.

  3. Yet another stellar week of videos and images; thank you! The Monty Python reference is fantastic as is the exploding whale video.

    1. I am so glad that you clicked those links. The exploding whale video is a family favorite. We rewatch it with some regularity.

  4. Aww, the COVID love story is adorable. And, I didn’t know about that Fox News thing. That’s funny. I’m hopefully going hiking next weekend. I haven’t been hiking yet this summer because of the virus. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I know. I love that COVID love story. He kept saying 'You are so beautiful' to his wife. So sweet.

      There were a lot of people on the trail we were hiking so we kept our masks ready to pull up. Others did, too.

  5. It's nice to get some good news for a change, isn't it? Hope there's more to come. Have a great week!

  6. So many great things to celebrate and think about! I love how hatred can turn on the hater.

    I'm cracking up at the cartoon that reveals Trump Unmasked. Hilarious!

    Your grandson covered in strawberries is so adorable.

    Thanks for making me smile...and for visiting my blog.

  7. Your grandchild is so cute. Strawberry juice running down your fingers is worth it when biting into a fresh just-picked strawberry. Enjoy your reading week.

  8. I love that first Supreme Court graphic. "Not you" lol. that made me smile. :) And dexamethasone- I had not heard that so thanks for sharing that news!

    The absentee ballot thing in Michigan cracked me up too, since I'm in Michigan. I just shake my head sometimes...

  9. Love that pic of your grandson and that humongous strawberry!

  10. The exploding whale? I read Gulf with my book group and listened to the author, Jack Davis, speak on Zoom a month or so ago. Davis voiced the thoughts of people who came to live along the Gulf: "We are not going to let nature defeat us." Davis' response? "You can't get any more arrogant than that."

    Look at that photo of all of you hiking. What a happy day. Children give me so much happiness.

    I love all this good news. I feel starved for it, honestly. Please keep sending it along to us. I don't think I'm the only one.

  11. I really enjoyed reading this post... thanks for the good news and laughs! Looks like you had a great Father's Day hike.

  12. The strawberry pic is adorable!! A friend's recommendation is to dress kids in red for strawberry picking. LOL I love all the good news. It's easy to forget when the world starts looking pretty grim. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week :)


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