Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sunday Salon, July 21

Bingley hiding out in the hostas. Playing hide-n-seek with Ian.
Weather: Gorgeous, sunny day. The weather has been mild and rainy for the past two weeks so we are happy to see the sun. Temperature right now is 83 °F (28°C). It is not roasting hot like in other parts of the country.
Mom and her whole crew.

California: My mom and siblings, along with our spouses, converged on my brother's home in California last week for a family reunion. My brother lives and works in Switzerland but kept his home in California to return to when this job finishes up. The community where they live has a man-made lake and the whole place caters to outdoor fun. We swam, paddle-boarded, floated, played bocci ball, and sat outside and visited. There were even a few wild hands of Nerts played. Our daughter who lives in SF and a few of our nieces and nephews joined us for part of the time, but mainly it was us old folks just hanging out together. Thank you for providing the place for the fun, Tony.

GERD: Right at the beginning of our California trip I started getting symptoms of GERD (gastrointestinal something) which causes tremendous pain in the stomach. I started taking the OTC drugs which usually check the symptoms pretty rapidly, but this time not so fast. By the end of the week I was feeling tender but a lot better. Since then I have continued to have symptoms. Guess it is time to see the doctor, huh? I feel pretty good today but am too afraid to eat anything for fear of upsetting the apple cart again. It is Kefir and tea for me right now.

Ian preparing to climb the tree, right before his foot got stuck.

The wisdom of Ian: ask for rides in the wheelbarrow and climb trees while you can.

Books completed since my last Sunday post:
  • Winter Wheat by Mildred Walker. I enjoyed the folksy style of Walker's writing. The book was given to me by a retired librarian who lives in Montana. It is set in Montana in the 1940s. Print.
  • Circe by Madeline Miller. A book club selection this one is a retelling of stories from Iliad and the Odyssey and other Greek myths. I ended up LOVING the book after a slow start. Audiobook. 
Currently reading:
  • The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom. Albom is a favorite author and his books usually contain some spiritual aspect. This book is no exception. Print. 33%
  • The Summer Book by Tove Jansson. A collection of over twenty vignettes  of a summer's activities of a grandmother and granddaughter on an island off of Sweden. Translated to English. E-book. 40%
  • Sadie by Courtney Summers. I haven't actually started this audiobook yet, but it is cued up and I am ready to start. This YA book, published last year, has lots of rave reviews. I hope I'll like it, too. Audiobook.
Just because it is funny: (Thanks Carly, for telling me about this old show.)


  1. I am a huge "Circe" fan; I loved it on every level! So sorry that you're dealing with GERD. Are there certain foods that seem to exacerbate the issue? It sounds like a great time with your family. I'm a bit envious of your brother living in Switzerland. I really liked it there.

    1. I loved Circe too and think I'd better go back and read her book that came before it.

  2. Hope that upset stomach goes away soon.

  3. I'm so sad to hear that you have been having stomach issues. I hope the doctor is able to get things back on track for you soon.

    I thought Circe started slowly, too, and I almost gave up on it. But I pressed on, and I'm glad I did. Now I want to read the earlier novel from the same author.

    I hope you have a good week.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your stomach problems. I hope you are feeling better soon. Have a great week!

  5. Darling pics of Ian and Bingley! And I hope you start feeling better soon.

  6. OMG, that video is HILARIOUS, Anne!!! Will have to show my husband when he gets home ha ha

    Your trip to CA sounds just wonderful, and how did Ian get so big??? It's like he went from baby to little boy overnight! And still sooo adorable.

    Sorry to hear about your GERD - definitely think it's time to see the doctor so they can do some testing and try some better treatments. Hope you get some relief soon.

    I am also excited to read Sadie, but I haven;t gotten to it yet - can't wait to hear what you think!


    2019 Big Book Summer Challenge

  7. Gosh I sure hope you feel better soon!

    What a great family gathering at your brother's house!

    Awww look at that cute doggie.

  8. Your family reunion sounds so fun! Enjoy the book Sadie, I really liked it.


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