Thursday, July 18, 2019

Friday Quotes: The First Phone Call From Heaven

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
e Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

I'm currently reading-

Title: The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom

Book Beginning: 
On the day the world received its first phone call from heaven, Tess Rafferty was unwrapping a box of teabags. Drrrrnnn!
Friday 56: 
"Hell, the Bible says God spoke through a burning bush," Fred said. "Is that any stranger than a telephone?"
Comment: I just started this book by a favorite author, Mitch Albom. Every book I've read by him has a spiritual aspect. This one is no exception. Members of small community start receiving calls from heaven, or people who have died. Is it really happening or is it a gag trick? No one knows.



  1. That sounds like a really good concept so I hope it IS really good!

  2. Wow, I LOVE the 56 line! So true haha. Happy reading!

    My Friday post

  3. I've been curious about this author's books. This one sounds intriguing. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THINGS YOU SAVE IN A FIRE”

  4. LOL I so need this book in my life!!!! Happy weekend!

  5. Oh, the book sounds really interesting!

  6. I so very rarely read books written for adults anymore, but this one intrigues. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by my Friday Meme post.


  7. I enjoyed reading Tuesdays with Morrie. This one sounds just as good.

  8. I love those quotes. This is a book I really need to read. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  9. Hope you're enjoying this new offering from one of your faves.

  10. I need to read more from Albom one of these days. Thanks for sharing!


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