Monday, June 10, 2019

TTT: Unpopular bookish opinions

1. Not sure if this is THAT odd, but I really hate it when people loan me books. I never ask to borrow someone's books yet people still feel compelled to loan me books. Argh. They cause me so much stress because now I feel like I have to read the book even though I don't want to.

2. I love borrowing books from the library, better yet audiobooks. For some reason borrowing library books does not stress me out. If I can't get to them within the due date, no big deal. I just return them and try again another time. I think the difference between #1 and #2 is that the librarians don't care if I read the book or not whereas my friend who loaned me the book, does.

3. I see nothing wrong with marking or highlighting in a book if I own it. If I keep little notes in the book then it gives me an insight to where my brain was when I look back years later. But too much highlighting can be a problem.

4. Though I have a messy book shelf (I'm looking at it right now), I actually could happily get rid of 75% of the books on it immediately. I only want to keep books that I will reread some day or that hold some sentimental value. So why not heave-ho the lot? Most of the books on my shelf I haven't read. Either I bought and never read them or acquired the book some way. If I read a book, even if I like it but doubt I will ever reread it, I give it away.

5. I love audiobooks and I usually listen to them at 1.25 speed. I know. It drives everyone crazy in my family, too.

6. Poetry books are the exceptions to all the rules. I buy them and hoard them. Whenever I'm at a used book store I will always peruse the poetry shelves. Best finds are usually in university towns.

7. I prefer stand-alone books to books in a series. But if a book is in a series and the second book isn't published when I finish the first book, I usually won't go on and read the rest of the series later. I've moved on. Exception: Eragon, Raven Boys, Daughter of Smoke and Bones, Hunger Games, and Harry Potter.

8. I like reading award winning books, in fact I try to read the Printz, Pulitzer, and National Book Award selections every year. I try to figure out why the book was a winner.

9. My favorite books are often some of the most quirky, out-there books. These types of books are often called cult classics---books that people either love or hate, but the fans are super-fans. I usually love them. Examples: A Confederacy of Dunces; The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao; The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore; The Couch.

10. I consider myself to be a Janite---a Jane Austen fan. I not only like her books but I like books about her, and retellings of her stories written by someone else.

11. I haven't read one word or viewed one moment of the Game of Thrones books or TV series. I'm sure I'd like the shows but I just never got started.

12. I don't loan out my books. (See #1) The possible exception might be books for book club but since I usually get the books from the library (See #2) I can't really loan them out to anyone.

What book-related opinions do you hold that might not be too popular with other bookish people? which of my twelve opinions are at odds with yours?


  1. I haven't seen or read Game of Thrones either! I don't have any desire too, not sure why.

    1. I did have the whole series in my library and made sure to replace copies when they were worn out, though.

  2. Love Jane! I love GoT tv show but I'll likely never read the books.

    1. I understand that the books for Game of Thrones are pretty racy. Maybe that is part of their appeal. I wouldn't know.

    2. It's more that I've already seen it and the series is so long and who knows if it will ever be finished lol

  3. I am so scared to loan books out after several bad experiences, but my sister will ask occasionally and I have to try not to make excuses because I know I can trust her. Still a work in progress though.

  4. I used to borrow books from my Grandma, but usually that was about it.

  5. Great list. I had the first one happen to me. It was during a busy season of my life and I simply couldn't get to it. Eventually, she asked for it back, which took the pressure off me. I also don't loan out my books. Too many times I have lost precious books I've adored.

    I'll mark up a nonfiction book, but don't usually highlight a novel. When I review a nonfiction title, I might want to cite something, so the highlighting helps me find it.

    Enjoy your week. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I have a book loaned to me (even mailed) several years ago and it calls my name every day. STRESS.

  6. See I would say that the fact that I like loaning out my books is an unpopular opinion of mine, since so many people in the book community seem to be against it! I also don't see anything wrong with marking up your own books.
    My TTT:

  7. I agree with you, Anne, on almost everything. I don't like it when people give me books; I usually just read through the book to satisfy the person and then I wildly overrate it when asked about the book. I much prefer stand-alones to a series. I rarely read more than book one in a series. I give away everything I read. My favorites are the quirky reads, too.

    I think we could happily do a readalong together.

  8. I prefer standalone books as well.

    My TTT.

  9. Great list! I agree about the library, it's such a wonderful resource to have. Also, The Hitchhiker's Guide is my very favorite book ever, one of the few that I actually love to reread.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

    1. I have listened to the audiobook of hitchhiker's Guide several times. So fun.

  10. I agree about highlighting and marking. If it's your book, do what you want with it.

  11. I'm so with you on #1 and #12!

  12. What a fun list!

    I also prefer stand-alone books over series but have also read all of The Raven Boys, The Hunger Games, and Harry Potter :) Add Neal Schusterman's Unwind series to that and Hugh Howey's Wool series - both some of the best books I have ever read!

    I get that about loaning books. I do lend to my mom and some friends, but I know that I will probably never see them again from my mom or one particular friend - sigh. And when someone lends me a book, it is usually YEARS before I get to it because I have so many others already on my shelves! But, I totally get WHY people lend books and appreciate that they are so excited to share a book they loved.

    I don't think I could keep up with 1.25 speed on audios! Even at normal speed, I sometimes let my attention wander for a moment and have to replay.

    Fun list - makes me want to close the laptop and go read...


    2019 Big Book Summer Challenge

    1. I didn't read on in the Unwind series because book two wasn't done when I was ready for it.

  13. My husband makes fun of me for listening to my audiobooks so fast lol! He says it sounds like the Chipmunks - I listen at 1.75-2x speed.

    My TTT:

    1. I can't listened to books that fast because it does sound like mice and all the punctuation seems to disappear.

  14. I'm kinda the same way on #4. I have a fair amount of books that I could part with- the list that I would keep because I really love them or they have sentimental value, etc, is fairly small. And I don't really like borrowing books either- I'm always afraid I'll wreck them by accident!

  15. I'm with you on GoT. I prefer stand alones, but there's nothing better than a great series. (I tend to get addicted though) I don't like the pressure when others lend me books, but I do recommend books to others if they ask me. If I have a copy, I offer to lend it to them. Love Jane Austen too! I think I recommended Mr. Penumbra to you, so I'm glad you enjoyed it. Were we the only two in Book Club who loved "Couch?" :)

    1. Couch. I loved that book! Ha! I laugh whenever I think of it.

    2. Yes, the vision of them carrying the couch through Portland still makes me giggle.

  16. I usually listen to audio books at a faster speed too. Sometimes the normal speed is just too slow for me. :)

    1. I know. I keep telling my husband that but he disagrees. If he is in the car when an audiobook is on, the speed is 1.0.

  17. I LOVE audiobooks and listen to a lot of them, mostly at 1.5 but sometimes more. It just feels more like normal speech to me

    1. I get impatient so I bump up the speed. It allows me to consume the book faster.

  18. I'm not an audio book reader, and never have been. So far, I'm still a paperback/hardcover reader. ;) I unhaul books at least once a year, but think I may do a secondary one this year because I still have TOO MANY books, and think I could let go of more. It's always a good feeling when the job is complete. Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland last week, Anne.


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