Thursday, June 6, 2019

Friday Quotes: We Set the Dark on Fire

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
e Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

And a review, of sorts, to follow---

Title: We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia

Book Beginnings:

Friday 56 (This week's quote from page 39):

Summary: Daniela Vargas and her parents came from the wrong side of the island, separated from the other by a high wall. Her parents sacrificed everything to obtain forged papers so that Daniela could have privileges they could not give her if they stayed behind the wall, on the poor side of the island. But no one must know of her humble beginnings, especially the other girls at the Medio School for Girls where Daniela is training to be a Primera, the first wife of a rich and powerful boy who would secure her position in society. But once her marriage to Mateo takes place Daniela is more aware than ever of the inequality that exists on the island and is uncomfortable living in such luxury when her family and others are starving and cannot get medical care. When she is approached by the resistance to help their cause Dani has to decide if she is willing to sacrifece security for herself while others, including her parents perish due to the inequality.

Review: I became aware of We Set the Dark on Fire through the Goodreads Mock Printz reading group. It has earned four or five starred reviews from professional organizations, so I thought the book worthy of my reading time. It is not hard to figure out how this book relates to today's politics around immigration and inequality. The thinly veiled note of a "wall" was a dead give away. Though the book was full of intrigue and action/suspense, I found myself not buying into the drama and how quickly it developed. The book's two main characters, Daniela and Carmen (the 2nd wife), didn't even seem fully flushed out as people, making the suspense even more difficult to accept. It also ends on a cliff-hanger, which in my mind, removes it from Printz consideration, but will likely cause it to have a small fan-base of readers who want to find out how things turn out. I, on the other hand, don't think I care enough to find out so won't hold my breath waiting for the sequel.

Source: Audiobook checked out on Overdrive from the Pierce County Library


  1. I'm not a fan of any book that relies on a cliff hanger to draw readers into a sequel. It seems manipulative.

    1. I agree about cliff-hangers, but I don't mind them if I have the second book in my hand already. I'm pretty frustrated by this book since I listened to it instead of the audiobooks for both of my book clubs. Eek. Now I'm behind.

  2. Probably not my cuppa tea and sorry it didn't work out for you.

    My Friday 56 from Dead Spider

  3. I'm quite intrigued, it sounds very interesting. Happy weekend!

  4. Thank you for your review. Forced drama is bad enough, but I agree with Margaret that cliff hangers at the end of a book designed to get readers to pick up a book is manipulative. The best way to ensure a reader goes to the next in the series is to write a really good book.

    Good luck catching up.

  5. I'm not the biggest fan of cliffhangers. They work occasionally, but unless there's a short wait for the next one or it's already out, I lose interest.

  6. I don't mind cliffhangers so much with duologies because you know things will be resolved in the next book. What bugs me are continuous ones in trilogies and longer series because it lacks the same kind of impact when you keep leaving readers hanging.

  7. Not something I would read, but I do like the cover.

    Thanks for sharing and for coming by my blog.

  8. Shame you didn't enjoy it as much as you'd hoped.


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