Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Nonfiction November Weekly Update, Oct. 29-Nov. 5th

I had a good week reading nonfiction books, most as part of my Cybils Award judging assignment.

Books read:
  • Votes for Women: American Suffragists and the Battle for the Ballot by Winifred excellent book that shows the whole history of the Suffragists movement in the USA. I learned a lot and enjoyed it. Well done. Watch for my review tomorrow. Cybils.
  • 1968: Today's Authors Explore a Year of Rebellion, Revolution, and Change edited by Marc Aronson and Susan Campbell Bartoletti...I was young in 1968 but I remember the year for all its upheaval. This is a great book by the way it is put together by various authors who experienced different things in their lives in 1968. Very well done. Review hyperlinked. Cybils
  • Resist: 35 Profiles of Ordinary People Who Rose Up Against Tyranny and Injustice by Veronica Chambers. Inspiring look at people who made a difference in their country or for other people. Review hyperlinked. Cybils.
  • The Soul for America: The Battle for Our Better Angels by Jon Meacham. I wish I could get my book review up before the election tomorrow but I am sorry that will not happen. I loved this book about Presidents and the presidency. It felt important and healing at the same time. Audio.
  • Whale Quest: Working Together to Save Endangered Species by Karen Romano Young...interesting but not narrative nonfiction which I think disqualifies it for the Cybils.
  • The Space Race by Matthew Brenden Wood---an interesting book which could easily be used by a teacher working with middle grade students to teach about all aspects of the Cold War, especially the space program. I like the book a lot but don't consider it narrative nonfiction. Disqualified for the Cybils? We'll see.
  • Putting Peace First: Seven Commitments to Change the World by Eric Dawson---I think this book would world well as a guide to use in a middle school or high school leadership class to help the students work through steps to make the school a safer, healthier place for everyone. Production quality was pretty low and I'm not sure it would qualify as narrative nonfiction. Cybils.

Currently on my reading pile:
  • The Strange True Tale of Frankenstein's Creator Mary Shelley by Catherine Reef [2nd week; Cybils]
  • Blacklisted: Hollywood, the Cold War, and the First Amendment by Larry Dane Brimner [2nd week; Cybils]
  • Nevertheless, We Persisted: 48 Voices of Defiance, Strength, and Courage [2nd week; Cybils]
  • (Don't) Call Me Crazy: 33 Voices Start the Conversation About Mental Health edited by Kelly Jensen [2nd week; Cybils]
  • Hey, Kiddo by Jarrett Krosoczka [Graphic memoir; Mock Printz]
  • We Say #Never Again reporting by Parkland Student Journalists [1st week, Cybils]
  • Google It: A History of Google: How Two Students' Mission to Organize the Internet Changed the World by Anna Crowley Redding.[First week, Cybils]
  • Just Mercy by Bryan Stephenson---a young reader's edition of the much lauded adult book by the same title. [First week, Cybils]
I was out of town for the weekend so I am amazed I was almost able to read my goal of a Cybils book a day. It feels impossible to digest seven a week. Maybe I will just shoot for 5 Cybils book a week and pat myself on the back for that accomplishment.


  1. Do what you can! I admire you for how much you challenge yourself!

  2. Looks like the CYBILS nominees are really interesting this year! I think 5 a week is a good goal.

    1. Yes, I agree. Last year we evaluated 64 books for round 1, this year the total is 90. And there are some really good ones in the bunch. Wish i knew that I was handing them off to you for good keeping in round 2, like last year.

  3. I really liked Hey, Kiddo. I'm on round 2 for nonfiction! It's not my go-to, but when it's good, it's amazing. That's how I feel about sci fi and historical fiction too. Anyway, I was a round 2 NF judge two years ago, and got to read some great books, so I thought I'd try again. Can't wait to see what you send our way!


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