Monday, September 3, 2018

Sunday Salon with a summer wrap up

Gourmet Popcorn rose still looking lovely!
Weather: Overcast, temperature in the low 60s right now which is a respite from the hot summer.

Summer challenges wrap up:
  • Big Book Summer Challenge---hosted by Sue @ Book by Book. I read and reviewed four 400+ page books.
  • Austen in August---hosted by Classics Club participants. I read Austen-related books, including a graphic novel of Northanger Abbey.  I am still working on The Friendly Jane Austen book by Natalie Tyler. It was published in 2001, but Jane Austen information doesn't really become dated. Ha!
  • Catch up on past due reviews---a personal challenge. I've reviewed 13 out of 16, or 81% complete. I was really frustrated by how behind I was on my book reviews so set up this challenge to encourage myself to get them done.
  • SPIN---Classics Club. Each participants creates a list of 20 classic title he or she still wants to read and then the SPIN announces a number and members read the book lined up on that number. My book, The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco, is just overwhelming. I've read about 55% and can't make myself proceed. A member suggested that I watch the movie first, but it is out-of-print and my public library doesn't have a copy of it, nor is it available on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon get the point. I may not finish this one.
  • Read all the 4+ starred review YA books as potential Printz books---a personal challenge and part of Mock Printz 2019 on Goodreads. Of the fourteen YA titles which have earned four+ starred reviews, I completed twelve, am almost done with one, and have the last one ready to pick up at the library. Feeling good. Check out this list created by Jen J, @ Booksheets if you want to see the titles on the list. This challenge will continue into the fall and winter.
Puppy update: I think the cartoons are self-explanatory. A lot of effort has been exerted by Don and I toward potty training. Some days good, most not so good. Ha-ha!

School starts if districts don't strike for wages: This means I will resume my duties as babysitter at least one day a week for my grandson, Ian. I've been missing him but I know that it will take a lot more effort this year now that he is so mobile and active.

Books completed this week: Life Inside My Mind, edited by Jessica Burkhart. 31 YA authors share their personal stories with mental illness. Very well done. Click on the title for my review.

Currently reading:
  • The Name of the Rose by Umberto I mentioned above I may not finish this one. It is way over my head. 55%, print and audio.
  • The Friendly Austen by Natalie Tyler...Everything Austen. Love it. 38%, print.
  • Suite Francaise by Irene Nimerosky...the found classic written my an author who was killed during the Holocaust. I'm not really in the mood for this one, not exactly light, summer reading. 45%, audio.
  • Boots on the Ground: America's War in Vietnam by Elizabeth Partridge...I am close to finishing this YA nonfiction book about the war we wish we didn't wage. A good resource for libraries. Print, 81%.
Goodbye summer!


  1. What a great summer summary! And thank you for the list of starred reviews; I've only read a few of them, but I definitely enjoyed them.

  2. Have you already finished Eleanor Oliphant? That one is a treasure! I loved it so much. It is definitely good summer (or anytime!) reading.

    1. Yes. I was the one who recommended it to you. Loved it.

  3. You’ve accomplished a lot. I wonder how many people actually read the entirety of Name of the Rose. Look at all the reviews you’ve finished.

    1. I read so many reviews of The Name of the Rose and almost all were glowing. I must have gotten off to a bad start.

  4. I think I only participated in Austen in August once. I really should join in again. I didn't realize you had a new puppy. So excited. Hope the potty training gets easier!

  5. I am only on PG 375 of 937 of Hawaii by James Michener for classic spin!I'm enthralled so far but this Will be a long haul!


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