Monday, January 15, 2018

TTT: Bookish goals and resolutions

Top Ten Tuesday: My 2018 Bookish Goals and Resolutions

(This is the first Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.

1. Of the six to eight books I read each month, at least two books, on average, need to be currently on my Goodreads TBR list. (Which has around 130 book titles on it right now.)

2. Read the Pulitzer Prize winning book for 2018 and at least three past winners on my Pulitzer list.

3. Read the Printz Award Winner (will be announced in early February)

4. Write book reviews for at least half of the books I read during the year.

5. Participate in the Classics Club Spins (usually hosted three times a year)

6. Read at least one Jane Austen-ish book in August and participate in the challenge hosted by Roof Beam Reader.

7. Participate in at least one 24-hour-readathon

8. Participate as a Cybils Award Judge again in 2018. I really enjoyed being a round 1 judge this year for high school/junior high nonfiction.

9. Look for ways to update my blog which keep it fresh and pleasant to read.

10. Fulfill my Goodreads Challenge to read 125 books in 2018.

11. Locate some excellent board books for my young grandson.

12. Read all the book club selections for the year. (This past year I missed several books. Sigh.)

13. Re-read the whole Harry Potter the urging from my daughter.

14. Everytime I visit bookstores, select something to buy. I want to make sure that they stay open and that will only happen if people spend money in their businesses. My purchase doesn't have to be a book.

What are your bookish goals for 2018?


  1. I have one, and that is to expand the genres I read. More lit, more YA, more sci-fi. We'll see how I do!

    1. I know. Me, too. I want to read more mysteries, which is the opposite of you.

    2. I would probably have some suggestions! :)

  2. I didn't even know about the Spins until someone finished theirs. I'm so bad about staying on top of stuff like that. I need to pay better attention! I think you've got a great list of goals here, Anne. I hope you achieve each and every one of them. Have a great week!

    1. I love the Classics Spins. They force me to read the classics and to Finnish them in a timely manner. The problem is they are terrible about setting a schedule so you just have to stay tuned.

  3. Fabulous goals Anne! I think they're totally achievable. I always try and think of ways to make my blog fresh. I hope you achieve these goals.

  4. Reading two books a month is a great goal! I'm such a turtle reader but I'd like to find an average that works well for my reading style. :)

    Good luck with your goals - and thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland. :)

    1. Two books from my goodreads TBR...likely I will read around 6-8 books per month total. My problem is I place books on my TBR and then select something else to read that isn't on my list.

  5. I love the goals you have chosen, we have quite a few in common and I realize as I read your list, some are things I would like to do that I did not even consider goals (specifically the one about keeping your blog fresh and new). I really like the Pulitzer goal you have. I may have to give that a try once I get this president goal knocked out.

    1. I can't believe you are reading one book per every President. Certainly some of them aren't that interesting to deserve a whole book. I am reading Fire and Fury right now. Would that count as a Trump book?

  6. Good luck with all of these goals. They all sound like they are well managable.

    1. I hope you pop back here. I couldn't post a comment on your blog for some reason. Sorry. I tried.

  7. I have no idea what Classics Club Spins is, but it sounds like it could be interesting. I just love #14, we have a small book store in town that I like to frequent and they sell a little of everything, I bought a candle holder and journals.

      The Classics Club is a spot for those of us interested in reading the classics. About three times a year they spin for a number, you create a list of 20 classics you want to read at that time and when they announce the number that is the book you read. It is a way to force yourself to read a classic and finish it in a time frame, usually six weeks.

  8. These are great goals, and number 9 in particular is one I'm trying to be better at this year too!

  9. Great goals! I like to support bookstores as well, especially small local ones. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday

  10. Enjoy your Harry Potter reread this year! I love those books, and I'm due for another reread soon. :)

    1. I read them all when they were first published here in the USA and my daughter has reread them several times. Every time I ask her a question about the plot she reminds me that I need to reread them. Ha!

  11. Oh, you've got some great goals! Rereading the HP books is fun. I've done that several times. Also, buying something at a bookstore - yes, and you're right, it doesn't have to be a book. Good luck with all of them! Let's keep the bookstores in business!

    1. I live in a town without a used bookstore so I have to drive out of town to find even a used book seller. It is so discouraging. I try to do my best to help them when I do show up at a store.

  12. HAHAHAHA My Goodreads TBR has over 1250 books on it. I know it's a problem. I guess that's part of working with book professionally. Judging the Cybils sounds fun but also sort of terrifying.

  13. Good luck with all these!
    My TTT:

    1. I tried to leave a comment on your blog and my computer wouldn't allow it. If it didn't go through I am sorry. I like your idea of the Bechdel test. I want to look into it more.

  14. Great goals. Reading Jane Austen is also on my list this year :)
    I hope you accomplish all of your goals this year :)

    This week I have posted my top ten bookish pet peeves. My TTT:

  15. I want to do the spins too! I really need to update my Classics Club list and see what I haven't gotten around to reading. I love your focus on challenges and reading a Jane Austen-ish book. I'd really like to read more books by Jane Austen in general.

    1. Austen is my favorite. I think I will try to read the Austen Project books this year.

  16. Great goals! I especially like that 75% of your goals are going to be to read the ones that are already on your TBR. I need to focus on those as well. I keep adding books to my TBR that I feel like I'm never going to make a dent in it.

    I love participating in the 24-hour readathons too. I don't usually get too much read, lol, but I still think they're fun.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. I don't know if 75% of my goals relate to TBR books, but I do want to read them...or weed them off the list. Time to get moving.

  17. Replies
    1. Last year I was over this goal so I hope I can do it. If not, I've been known to adjust my Goodread goals up and down. Ha!

  18. OMG these are great goals! I really like the first one. You really like award winners! I haven't heard of some of these challenges before, I'll have to check them out.

    1. I do like Award Winners. I want to spend my reading time reading books that other people think are worth the effort!

  19. I only have one goal this year and that's to weed out my own library collection. I've got books that have been sitting on my shelves for years. Time to decide whether they deserve the shelf space or to be donated.

    1. I did that last year and made my book case look good. But it didn't last. Ha!

  20. That's a lot of goals! I hope you can do them all and it will be a great reading year.

  21. I love the idea of supporting bookstores. I always try to buy something too when I'm in a store, even though I know I can probably get it cheaper elsewhere. But I'd be lost without a bookstore to wander through! I'd like to do more readathons too...

  22. I'm jealous of your 130-book tbr list... I'm nearing 800 *cries* I honestly should do a tbr-purge sometime soon!

    Rosie @ Rosie Writes Things

  23. These are great goals! I definitely think picking books from your "To Read" list is important ... You added them for a reason, after all. I don't keep a "To Read" list on Goodreads, but I have one I update regularly on my computer. It's at 600+ and it just keeps growing! I try to mostly stick to that list ... But even with crossing a bunch off each year, it keeps getting longer. Haha.

    I've always wanted to participate in a 24-hour-readathon, but I don't know if I'd be happy with my results. I'm not a slow reader, but I wouldn't say I'm particularly fast either. I'd probably end up finishing one book and maybe starting another. Have you participated in one before? If so, do you feel like you actually read more than you thought you would?

    Good luck on your goals! :-)

    1. I do the 24-hour readathons different than most people. I take a weekend and read for a total of 24 hours. I eat, slepp, socialize, but I also have to scrunch in 24 hours of reading. You'd be amazed at how much you can read in that time frame.

  24. Those 24 hour readathons sound like such a challenge. If I wasn't afraid of something up (because something always comes up) I'd join. Good luck with all your goals!

  25. I like that you try and read prize winners each year. I always think about that and never seem to end up getting around to it! And the ones I do get to, I don't have the best record with.

    1. I really do like award books. I started with the Printz Award (Best YA) and then found myself drawn to the Pulitzer Prize books after reading 1. The Goldfinch and 2. All the Light We Cannot See. That got me wanting more of that type of ilk.

  26. Wow, 125 books is impressive, good luck with that! I try to re-read Harry Potter every year, it`s the best cure for a reading slump.

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

  27. If you haven't checked them out yet, I highly recommend the Baby Lit books for your grandson. 😀


  28. It would be good to get back to HP! :D


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