Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday Salon, January 14th

Ian, playing with Grandma on Friday.
Weather: overcast with skies threatening rain.

Sick: I've come down with some wicked cold and sore throat. According to my FitBit I slept 15 hours yesterday and never got out of my pajamas. Today I'm up but still similarly clad. Ugh.

Babysitting: This week I began my new job, babysitting my grandson two or three days a week, sharing duty with his other grandma. What a joy to be greeted by his charming smile when I arrive in the morning and what a lot of work babies are. I'd forgotten.

A friend visits: Wednesday Carly left for New York. Her last term in graduate school. I couldn't be sad and lonely for long because my friend, Anne Marie, dropped in for an overnight visit. I love reconnecting with old friends. Thanks for the visit, AM! Hope all goes well in your last term of college, Carly!

Book of Mormon: Don and I caught the traveling Broadway show of "The Book of Mormon" on Friday night in Seattle. Our daughter predicted that we wouldn't like it because it is so crass. We liked it, but it sure is crass. Ha! (This song is from the Tony Awards and it isn't crass.)

Books read this week:
  • Dreaming the Beatles: The Love Story of one Band and the Whole World by Rob Sheffield. I thought I was a Beatles geek until I read this book. Sheffield has be beat by a thousand points, at least. This book is truly for the geekiest of Beatles fans, one who paid attention to the obscure stuff and to rock-n-roll in general because he does a lot of comparison to other groups and numbers (which I didn't necessarily know), but I have to admit that I loved it and I think my Beatles geekiness level has increased because of this book.
Currently reading:
  • Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman...a surprising book club selection. It is classic Gaiman with horror and fantasy elements. (58%, audio)
  • Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff. I couldn't resist. But I did have to buy the Kindle version as no print versions are currently available. (10%, e-book)
  • Far From the Tree by Robin Benway. A YA selection which is getting good reviews. It has been pushed off to the side with my other readings but I must get back to it this week. (5%, e-book)
Quote from Dreaming the Beatles:
1 [the Beatles album released in 2000 was a blockbuster selling faster than any Beatles album before it] proved three things never change: (1) people love the Beatles, (2) it's a little weird and scary how much people love the Beatles, and (3) even people who love the Beatles keep underestimating how much people love the Beatles (307).


  1. I knew right away I'd not be up for babysitting a baby. We kept our granddaughter a dozen times in her first year and were exhausted beyond all reason each time. Still a joy, I think. Good for you. Enjoy!

    1. I'm trying to remember how I did it when I was a young, working mother. Ian is a good baby and not too fussy but he doesn't take long naps and wants to be held the majority of the time he is awake. I am figuring out how to do things wearing him in the baby-carrier around my middle.

  2. I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well; I hope you get better soon! And I can't wait to hear what you think of Far From the Tree.

  3. I'm hoping to get a grandchild while I can still help a little. I don't know HOW we did it, but we were a lot younger then.

  4. Can't say I blame you for not being able to resist Fire and Fury. My mom who isn't much of a reader said she wanted to read it. I'm a little tempted myself, but I'm pretty sure the holds line for it will be very long. I'm totally going to check right now.

  5. What a cutie! Grand parenting is the most wonderful thing! And so exhausting! I kept my 2 month old grandson along with his 2 year old sister for the first time this weekend, and it wiped me out! But I loved every minute! Enjoy!


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