Thursday, November 16, 2017

Friday Quotes: Long Way Down

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
e Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest, or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. This is the book I'm reading right now---

Title: Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds

Book Beginning:

Believe nothing
these days
which is why I haven't
told nobody the story
I'm about to tell you
And truth is,
you probably ain't
gon' believe it either
gon' think I'm lying
or I'm losing it...

Friday 56: (56% on e-book)

I said,
The Rules are
the rules.

Comment: If you haven't heard of this book, it is about a boy who is considering killing the person he thinks killed his brother. While he is on the elevator heading out to do the deed he is visited by six "ghosts" of people killed by guns. It is very distressing to think that this book is reporting a truth, that a lot of killings in the inner city are considered honor killed my brother, so I will kill you. When will it stop? The whole book is written in verse. On occasion I had a hard time telling who was speaking and what was being discussed, but I got the gist of the message. Very powerful.


  1. This sounds like a good one. I have a feeling the ghosts will save him
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  2. I like the sounds of the premise, but honestly, I hate reading in prose. Glad you enjoyed the book though. Happy weekend!

  3. I don't like reading books in verse, but the message of this book sounds powerful. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “FRAGMENTS OF THE LOST”

  4. I have read a few novels in verse. I like them and will have to add this one to my stack both because of the verse and the powerful message. This week I am spotlighting The Human Division by John Scalzi. Happy reading!

  5. Interesting way to present a message (ghosts of his conscience and verse form), thanks for sharing

  6. I think it would take me a bit of adjustment to sync with the tempo of the writing. Hope you enjoy it.

  7. This does sound a like a powerful read. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend! :)

  8. This book seems like a really beautifully written story. I always find books written in verse to be so interesting. I hope that you enjoy it. :)

  9. Sounds interesting...I like the sound of the book, but not sure I would like to read the way it is written.

    Thanks for sharing and for coming by my blog earlier.

    1. Thanks...not a poetry reader so that's why I was confused.

  10. This sounds really good! Powerful and relevant. I like books in verse, but have read so few. I will definitely have to give this on a try.

    1. It took me just a few hours to read. But I will thinking about it for much longer.

  11. I definitely need to try this one. What's odd is that I didn't noticed that you can see a reflection on the cover - I saw the numbers...

  12. Hi Anne,

    Wow! I just had to check this one out more closely and Goodreads has one powerful premise to introduce this book. You can't really even call this a story, because as many of you pointed out, it is all too much a reality of real life in the modern times.

    Probably not something I would read, however it sounds like the kind of book which all teenagers should be encouraged, if not mandated to read, as part of the middle school education curriculum?

    Thanks for sharing :)


  13. Oh wow. It does look difficult to read, but worthwhile? Thanks for sharing and for the visit - I'll try and slow down, and at least listen to a chapter of Heartburn, read by Meryl Streep.


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