Friday, November 17, 2017

Classics Club Spin Number is ...

The 16th Classics Club Spin Number is...


If you joined the game last week, find number 4 on your Spin List! That’s the title you are challenged to read by December 31, 2017
As always, the prize is the reading experience. 
My book is: My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin.

Initial thoughts: About time! I've wanted to read this book since I saw the film back in the late 1970s. My mother thought I was like the main character: I guess because we both are headstrong with frizzy hair. 
What’s your #4 title? Are you glad, hesitant, excited about your title? Do tell!
Twitter hashtag: #ccspin


  1. Replies
    1. Not too late. Make a list of 20 classics you want to read, write them in little pieces of paper...pull out 1-2-3-4...the 4th book is the one you'll read!

  2. I don't think I've even heard of this one. Good luck!

  3. I haven't heard of this one. My book is Martin Chuzzlewit and like you I saw an adaptation of this book - but mine was a TV series and was only 23 years ago. It's funny isn't it that we can get so keen to read a book and sometimes never get round to reading it. I hope you enjoy your book. (Margaret @ BooksPlease.)


I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.