Wednesday, October 18, 2017

TTT: Books which mention yummy-sounding foods

Top Ten Tuesday: Books which mention yummy-sounding foods.

1. Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel---this magical realism novel is chalk-full of recipes since the main character is forced to make the wedding feast for the man she loves as he marries her sister.

2. Harry Potter novels by JK Rowling---though not expressly about food there are many, many references to fun-sounding foods like pumpkin punch, butterbeer, chocolate frogs, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

3. Fried-Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg---the cafe cooks up all kinds of delicious-sounding food (if you don't think too much about the BBQ). I make fried green tomatoes because of this book.

4. Eat Cake by Jeanne Ray---we read this book for book club years ago and it ignited our imagination about cake, and the value of comfort-foods.

5. Chocolat by Joanne Harris---the book is very much about food, especially chocolate. One can't read the book without drooling.

6. Crescent by Diana Abu-Jaber---the main character sets up a cafe to cook up food from her homeland, Lebanon. The food is described in mouth-watering ways.

7. The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh---a retelling of One Thousand and One Arabian Nights, the king and his bride (the story-teller) eat luscious food prepared with care fore them.

8. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Ron and Judi Barrett---Okay, the food goes crazy, but doesn't this children's book make you want pancakes, meatballs, even Gorgonzola cheese?

9. Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss---the most famous food book? I loved this as a child.

10. I realized, as I wrote this, that I can't remember most books which mention good-sounding food. this is very frustrating because I know I've read books which contained great foods. Sigh.

Do you have titles you remember mentions of food?


  1. Great list, Anne!

    My son always LOVED the food descriptions in the Redwall books - even though the characters were animals and ate things like acorn soup! He said the descriptions always made their feasts sound wonderful. We gave him the Redwall Cookbook!

    The wonderful graphic memoirs by Lucy Knisely always focus on food, especially Relish, my favorite, which even includes recipes.

    Fun topic!


    Book By Book

    1. Though my nephews enjoyed the Redwall series and my sister recommended them, I never read any of the books in the series. I did read RELISH, though, and loved it.

  2. I read a frivolous cooking mystery series (about a caterer) and there are always foods in the title, and amazing recipes in the book. :)

  3. To All the Boys I Loved Before series has lots of baking goodies. The main character loves to bake and perfect her skills. I also loved Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe which also deals with baking and desserts. Don't read these books when you're hungry!

  4. I love these posts as they always remind me of books that I've enjoyed so much. I never thought about Harry Potter books having "good" food; I always think about the earwax jelly bean :-)


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