Thursday, October 19, 2017

Friday Quotes: Turtles All the Way Down

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
e Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest, or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. This is the book I'm reading right now---

Title: Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

Book Beginning:
At the time I first realized I might be fictional, my weekdays were spent at a publicly funded institution on the North side of Indianapolis called White River High School, where I was required to eat lunch at a particular time---between 12:37 PM and 1:14 PM---by forces so much larger than myself that I couldn't even begin to identify them.
Friday 56: (not sure what page this quote is from because I listened to the audiobook):
It’s a weird phrase in English, in love, like it’s a sea you drown in or a town you live in. You don’t get to be in anything else—in friendship or in anger or in hope. All you can be in is love.
Comment: I have been a John Green fan since I read his first book Looking for Alaska. He is so literate and adds so many quotes and thoughts from literature, this time there is is a lot of Shakespeare included, that I feel refreshed or renewed just reading his books. This book has a very serious topic, though, mental illness and its treatment, hence the first quote where Aza starts thinking of herself as fictional.  It is very well done.


  1. I haven't read anything by John Green; although, I have heard a lot of good things about his book.

  2. Hi Anne,

    Definitely one I'm going to get. Once I've read The Fault...

    I'm reading An Ember in the Ashes - Sabaa Tahir - Here's the link:

    Happy Friday!

    1. This book is very deep but I appreciate that Green doesn't sugar coat the mental illness and treatment for it.

  3. Hope you're enjoy it. Have a great weekend.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  4. I'm curious about this book and I've been wanting to try the author. Such an interesting choice for the title too.

    My Friday 56 from Cinema Of Shadows

    1. I wondered about the title, too. And it is addressed in the book.

  5. I'd like to read this book, for sure! Happy weekend!

  6. I've only read one book by Green, The Fault in Our Stars...but I have Paper Towns languishing on Pippa.

    I've been intrigued about this one, though, especially after learning that the character has OCD. A "disorder" that I find fascinating, and to which I can relate. Not that I have it, but I lean in that direction. LOL.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Paper Towns is a mystery so it should be up your alley. This book is very serious in that it addresses mental illness (serious OCD) but there is a bit of a mystery in it, too.

  7. Oh yes, John Green is an amazing writer. This was a difficult topic to tackle, but I think he pulled it off.

    1. Yes, I just finished the book and think this one ranks up there with Looking for Alaska, Green's best in my opinion.

  8. I've seen this book all over the place. Hope it's an enjoyable read for you.

  9. I've been meaning to try a John Green book for awhile. Thanks for sharing! :)

  10. I haven't read any John Green books Anne, although I couldn't explain why, as we have had numerous copies of 'The Fault In Our Stars' donated into the charity shop where I volunteer, so there really is no excuse for not reading that one at least!

    As the premise is a little out of the norm for me, I guess I have made the decision that there really is just not enough time and too many great books!!

    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend :)


  11. I haven't read anything by John Green though I feel like I should. This is one that I haven't heard of but I do love the sound of the teasers so this may be a good one to start with!

  12. I have this one on my TBR and I am super excited to start it. Your quotes have got me really intrigued and they are classic John. Thanks so much for sharing this one. :)

  13. I'm seeing a lot of people talking about this one. I'm actually really curious about his choice of titles. Happy weekend!

    1. I was really curious about the title, too. I am glad that I didn't know so when it was revealed in the book I could sigh at the assigned meaning.

  14. I have only read two books by John Green, but I was really taken with both and someday would like to read his other books, including this one. I am glad you liked this one as well! I hope you have a great week, Anne.

  15. Hi Anne, this book does sounds good - I like it when authors tackle difficult subject matter, like serious illness. Thanks for sharing and for your visit to me blog. X

  16. I'm really looking forward to trying this one - I may have to try it on audio. :)

  17. I have yet to try this author, your comment and excerpts are quite encouraging


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