Friday, May 19, 2017

Modified Blog-n-Readathon

Today I am home sick from school again. I have an ear infection which causes me to be dizzy and amplifies sounds in my head. If I am sitting around I am fine, as long as there is no loud sounds, so I decided to spend the day reading and blogging. I am so far behind on my book reviews, it is ridiculous. Plus, I have several books I need to return to the library. I want to finish them before they are due. So I am challenging myself to a twelve-hour blog-n-readathon.

With that said, here is my plan---I will divide my time between blogging and reading. I figure I have about 11 hours today that should be uninterrupted time. Don has an afternoon meeting and a dinner to attend afterwards. By the time he gets home I hope to have finished two books: The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly and This Is How It Always Is. If I finish those books I will start Wolf by Wolf, which has been on my TBR pile all school year. In terms of blogging, I have at least six, probably more, books I want to review which I have read recently but just not had the time to review.  That should fill up my day nicely!

I'm off to read and blog.Talk to you later!

I finished two books: The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly and This Is How It Always Is.
I started another audiobook: We Are Okay by LaCour
I wrote three blog post reviews: Lab Girl, The Hate U Give, and Undefeated.
Better yet, I have broken though my stubbornness at not wanting to write reviews. Yay!


  1. I am so sorry you don't feel good, but I like that you are having an opportunity to read and blog uninterrupted! That sounds pretty blisssful

  2. You might as well use up your sick leave since you're retiring anyway!! xoxo


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