Thursday, May 18, 2017

Friday Quotes, May 18

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City ReaderShare the opening quote from the book.
e Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's VoiceFind a quote from page 56.

Check out the links for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Participants don't select their favorite, coolest, or most intellectual books, they just use the one they are currently reading. This is the book I'm reading right now---

Title: This Is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel

Book Beginning:
Once upon a time, Claude was born but first, Roo was born.
Friday 56:
Over the years, kindergarten homework has gotten more...Rosie said 'intense'; Penn said 'asinine with an emphasis on ass.'
Comment: I just started this book club selection today about a family's secret that their young son wants to be a girl. It is a very pertinent topic for today.


  1. Very timely topic, I'll be interested to hear what you think once you are finished. Is this non-fiction?

    1. No, it is fiction. But you know what they say about fiction...

  2. Ooh, I heard an interview with the author of this one. It sounded intriguing. Hope you enjoy it.

  3. Interesting topic indeed. Great to see more mainstream trans fiction coming out.

  4. I agree, interesting topic and glad to see more of it. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's my current read :

    Have a good weekend!


  5. A difficult topic to address.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  6. It does sound timely. My YA pick this week is Raging Sea by Michael Buckley. Happy reading!

  7. It is a big topic for today, but the TV exploitation of the subject is just too much! I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine . . .

  8. I have this book, so now I'm reminded that I need to read it! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  9. I loved this book! One of the best I've read this year.

  10. Sounds like a fun read! Love the orange cover! Happy weekend!

  11. Oh wow! That is interesting. And timely. Enjoy and thanks for the visit.

  12. The beginning reminds me of Winnie the Pooh but that 56 just made me 😂.

    I have a giveaway with my Friday post on my blog, hope you pop by and join in:

  13. This author does have a transgender child though, doesn't she? I've started the book, but am struggling a bit with it. I like reading about sex as much as anybody, but...;)

  14. It looks like a fun read and like everyone else here I feel its very timely too! Hope you enjoy reading it!
    Here's my Friday Reads

  15. This sounds like an interesting and inspiring book! Thanks for sharing it. :)

  16. Kindergarten homework? I think I might agree with the Penn on the issue. Happy weekend!

  17. Hi Anne,

    I was surprised to read about kindergarten homework at all, but then discovered that my own great nephew, who is at nursery and under 2, has objectives and targets assigned to him, with a record card of his achievements against target!

    A very 'on trend' subject for a book right now, although I don't know whether I am surprised that Claude wants to become a girl, knowing that he is the youngest of 5 male siblings, or not! I guess things aren't quite as linear, or black and white as I would imagine them to be!

    Probably not one for me, but an interesting post nonetheless :)


  18. I haven't heard of this one, but I do like the sound of that 56. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  19. Your Friday 56 made me laugh out loud

  20. Hi Anne -
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really liked the book, This Land is Our Land. Here's my Goodreads review:


I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.