Monday, November 10, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday...My Favorite blog posts of 2014

I'm going off the board here and creating my own Top Ten Tuesday topic. I couldn't think of any characters that I'd like to get to know better. I hope you all indulge me and take a minute to look through favorite blog posts I've written this year.

(I assume you can appreciate how frustrating it is to write what you think is a good post on an interesting subject/book and get NO COMMENTS!  Argh!  Please, please, please feel free to leave comments either on this post or on the blog posts I have highlighted. Click the hyperlinks and use the return button to come on back.  Thanks.)

1. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a review. I put a lot of sweat and blood into this review and learned so much about the author and the genre Magical Realism. (Posted Sept. 21)

2. Snapshot Saturday, July 12, a photo montage. Quirky things I love about Italy. (Posted July 12)

3. The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker, a review. I listened to this book in the audiobook format. It required 20 hours of listening. I felt like I'd climbed a mountain when I was finished. Oh yes, loved the book, too. (Posted Aug. 23)

4. I Wish I Were a Poet, a musing by me. Sometimes the beauty of the world just overwhelms me and I wish I had the language skills to express my feelings better on paper. (Posted May 7)

5. The Ocean the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, a review. Loved the book and the review showed it. (Posted Feb. 26)

6. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, a review. There is something very magical about this book and I hope my review reflects it. (Posted April 14)

7. Ode to Maya Angelou, a poem by me on the occasion of her death. (Posted May 28th)

8. Gabi, a Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero, a review. this is a fairly recent review so it is fresh in my mind. (Posted Nov. 1)

9. Dedications, found in the front of books. I included a photo of a very funny dedication and no one even noticed or commented.  Be the first! (Posted Sept. 13)

10. Bless Me, Ultima by Ruldolfo Anaya, a review and commentary. My banned book selection of the year. Wow. Now it is a top ten favorite. (Posted Oct. 28)

11. How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare by Ken Ludwig, a review. Huge fan of the book and techniques within. (Posted March 25)

12. Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter, a review. The book not only caught my attention but so did the theme of beautiful ruins. See what I mean here. (Posted May 4)

13. Bookish Items I'd Like to Own, a Top Ten Tuesday list. I had a lot of fun "shopping" and dreaming while i created this list.  Did you make one, too? (Posted April 16)

14. Not a Zealot for Zealot, a nonfiction book by Reza Aslan, a review and commentary. I honestly surprised myself how much I reacted negatively to this book. I did a good job explaining myself on the blog post, though. ( Posted June 11)

15. The Family Romanov by Candace Fleming, a review. A good book for high school students interested in the last Czar of Russia. (Posted on Oct. 16)

I hope that you enjoyed at least a few of these reviews.


  1. Great idea! It's nice to look back on what we've achieved on our blogs! I'm very intrigued about your Golem and the Jinni review. I shall go and read it now!

    1. The Golem and Jinni is a very surprising story. I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for looking at the review.

  2. Great Idea for a post. I love it. Thanks for visiting our TTT earlier.

  3. Oh. I've never read any of those book but they seem great!


  4. Magical...that is a perfect way to describe The Shadow of the Wind!

  5. It happens to me a lot; I write a post from the heart that means a great deal to me and hardly anyone comments. I guess we have to mostly write for ourselves. I enjoy looking back on my old posts and remembering what I was doing/feeling, but some of my best ones are during the time that Patt was sick and dying, so I'm not often in the mood to revisit those times.

    1. You are such a faithful reader and commenter. I am grateful for your friendship.

  6. That's a cool idea, doing a round up. I've read a few of these books, it's a great list. I really need to check out Gabi, a Girl in Pieces.

    1. I really like Gabi, a Girl in pieces. It is unique story.

  7. This is a fun idea! Off to check out the posts- I am already intrigued by the Romanov one!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight


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