Saturday, February 15, 2014

Snapshot Saturday, Feb 15

We love our coffee. We drink fair trade coffee that is roasted in Bellingham, Washington or Equal Exchange coffee which is supported by our church. My husband makes the best cup of coffee of anyone I know. I am so spoiled. When we go out to a coffee shop I never like their coffee as much as what I can get at home. I wish I could send you smell-vision so you could enjoy our coffee, too.

Snapshot Saturday is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.


  1. I wish you post included smell-vision too! Guess I'll just have to inhale my own coffee and imagine how good yours must be.

  2. You are lucky! I've never had a cup of coffee at home that tasted as good as our local coffee shops.

  3. Hi there....I too, wish your post included 'smellovision'. lol. How funny that you know exactly where Hurricane Creek in Enterprise, Oregon is! It really is a small world. I grew up in Washington State, the southeast part.

    1. What a small world to have two people on Snapshot Saturday have relatives who lived in such an obscure part of the country, on the same road, as a matter of fact.

  4. Mmmmm....I gave up caffeine many years ago, though I do enjoy a bit of decaf once in a while - in fact, we had a couple of fabulous cups at dinner last night - nothing like a dark, rich cup of coffee, especially with a chocolate dessert!


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    1. I gave up caffeine for a year or two way back in the 1990s then abandoned that because I actually needed the caffeine or my blood pressure would get too low. Hey! I still don't drink more than two cups a day. If I drink more I can't sleep. It is a balancing act.


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