Friday, February 14, 2014

Book Beginnings and Friday 56, Feb 14th

Book Beginnings on Friday is now hosted by Rose City Reader. The Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice. Check out the links above for the rules and for the posts of the participants each week. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the one you are currently reading.

Book: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron

Book Beginnings:
I still remember the day my father took me to the cemetery of forgotten books for the first time.
Friday 56:
'We'll meet again, Daniel. I never forget a face and I don't think you will either,' he said calmly.
My thoughts: I've only read one other book by Carlos Ruiz Zafron. It was a YA horror story. This one has the makings of the last. I haven't gotten to page 56 yet in my reading but in skipping ahead for this exercise I've just learned that the speaker has no face, hence the comment about not forgetting a face. Eek!

Several people have told me to read this book and I am quite looking forward to it, if it doesn't scare me too much.


  1. Fascinating hook and blurb from page 56. Love the cover on this one, too. Thanks for visiting The Busy Mom's Daily.

  2. This sounds interesting! *adds to TBR*

  3. "The cemetery of forgotten books" interesting expression. I'm beginning to think some of my TBR list falls in that expression.

    1. I agree with you that many books on my tbr pile are really in the cemetery of forgotten books. I think I will start using that phrase to describe them.

  4. What a great start. Who knew such a thing existed.

  5. This sounds really good...very mysterious.

  6. I read this book quite a few years ago and vaguely remember the plot. Seems like it took me quite a while to finish it! I hope you enjoy the story.
    Here's the link to my Friday post: STRONGER THAN THE REST.

  7. Love the lantern and shadow on the book's cover art. This one sounds mysterious, yet chilling. Looks like you're in for an adventure!

  8. I haven't read anything but I so want to. His words appeal to me!

    Happy weekend & happy Valentines day!

  9. I enjoyed the book and his writing. I wasn't as fond of some of his later books though.

    1. I remember talking about this book at book club several years ago. I don't remember why we didn't select it, though.

  10. Oh I read the Shadow of the Wind years ago and absolutely loved it! Others in my book club had more difficulty with it because they couldn't get used to the names. I hope you like it.


    1. I have the audiobook which will help me alot with pronunciation.

  11. I started to read this one a while ago...must pick it up again because I had been enjoying it. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  12. I love this book, and this is one of the most interesting first lines in literature.

    Linking from Friday 56,
    Ricki Jill

  13. "the cemetery of forgotten books", interesting. I hope the book is good.

  14. This is really an amazing book. I loved it sooo much. Just wonderful!


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