Monday, July 8, 2013

Review: Diego Rivera: an Artist for the People

Diego Rivera: an artist for the people by Susan Goldman Rubin is an excellent, but very short biography of the famous Mexican muralist.  I read the book hoping to find a nonfiction addition to the list of books for my Mock Printz Workshop. However and unfortunately this book is not a YA book so it cannot be included on our list. My library has it marked as a Junior book but the size of the book makes it seem to be an E (Easy or Everybody) book.

I've never read anything about Diego Rivera, though I've read a bit about Frida Kahlo his artist wife. I was aware that his main medium was murals but I didn't know that he did quite a few of them in the United States and one of them was torn down in anger.  Hmm.  That is interesting stuff. His work style is unique and this book shows quite a few examples. If you want "the dirt" on his life, I'd look elsewhere. Who should buy this book? Librarians that service students grades 3-6.

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30 books this Summer Reading Challenge

11 / 30 books. 36% done!

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