Monday, July 8, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Best/Worst Movie Adaptations

Top Ten Best and Worst Movie Adaptations (in no particular order)


No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy (2005) adapted for the big screen in 2007. Both the book and the movie are depressing as HELL but so well done.

Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien (1954) was adapted for the big screen by Peter Jackson in 2000s. Both the books and the movies are worth the time it takes to read/view them.

Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. The book is amazing and the movie has obviously stood the test of time. If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend it. (I'm assuming you've seen the movie, but if not, do!)

Harry Potter (all) by J.K. Rowling. My daughter might disagree since she always comments on what is left out of the films that were important points in the books, but I think both the books and the movies are magical. I really like how the actors aged as the characters aged.

Shawshank Redemption from the short story by Stephen King called "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption." I never, ever get tired of this 1994 movie.

Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe by CS Lewis, (1950) adapted for the big screen in 2005.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. I actually thought this latest adaptation of Gatsby was very good and I had just finished rereading the book before seeing it.

Holes by Louis Sachar. I love the book and the movie is fantastic.  Very true to the book.

The Help by Katherine Stockett. I loved both the book and the movie.


Eragon by Christopher Paolini. The movie sucks.  Don't watch it, it will make you not want to read the books.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Grinch) by Dr. Seuss. The movie is over-the-top which overpowers the magical message of the book.

Memoirs of a Geisha by Goldman. The book is astonishing. The movie is boring.

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. The book is simply magical. The movie was disappointing.

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  1. I love Gone With The Wind. I like the book but still love the movie. I like The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe more than the books though. The sexism in it makes me want to chuck it at a wall, but then I don't want to hurt the wall :)

    My TTT

  2. I definitely agree with Eragon, the movie doesn't even touch on the epicness of the book. I almost didn't want to read the book after seeing the movie. Great List!

  3. I don't see as many movies as I read books, so I can only say that I loved the movie Holes and Patt could never get enough of the Shawshank Redemption. He watched it every time it came on. Love the Golden Compass series but have never seen the movie. Harry Potter movies are excellent but not equal to the books. It would be impossible for them to match such an amazing series.

  4. I can't believe I forgot about The Help and Gone with the Wind! Even though Gone with the Wind is so different from the book, it is still one of my all time favorite movies.

  5. I had yet to watch The Golden Compass movie... maybe I should just skip it because the book was fantastic. :) Memoirs of a Geisha could have been infinitely better, I agree. Great list!
    Bonnie @ Sweet Tidbits

  6. I had forgotten how much I liked The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe adaption (the new one I mean)! It came as a complete surprise too, I wasn't expecting it at all.

    I remember when The Golden Compass was being released all hell was raised where I lived (the Bible Belt). Silly people didn't realize there's nothing for them to raise hell about until the last book!

  7. I agree with all of these that I've seen - especially that No Country For Old Men is depressing as hell! lol

    And I really hate when they take a 36-page picture book and turn it into a 2-hour movie. In addition to the Grinch, you could add a whole long list of Dr. Seuss and other classic picture books that were turned into feature films.

    It's lesser-known, but I though The Namesake's movie adaptation was excellent. I still need to see Life of Pi - one of my favorite books.


    Great Books for Kids and Teens

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    Big Book Summer Challenge

    1. OMG. I can't believe I didn't even think to include Life of Pi. I love both the book and the movie was amazing.

  8. TOTALLY agree about Eragon and The Golden Compass. Can't believe I forgot about both of them - but I probably subconsciously shoved Eragon to the farthest corner of my mind, and The Golden Compass was just... totally forgettable.

    LOVE Holes, though!! And I really really want to see the new Gatsby movie. It looks so epic.

  9. I've never seen Eragon or the Golden Compass but then I haven't read the books either. Thanks for stopping by mine!

  10. I may be the only person in the world who has never seen Gone W/ The Wind.
    -Scott Reads It!

  11. I really need to try to re-read Memoirs of A Geisha. I tried a while back and couldn't get into it, but I probably just wasn't in the right mindset for it.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    ~Merin @ Read and Reviewed~

  12. I love Gone With the Wind but I've never watched its movie. It's 4 hours long but I'm sure I'll watch it one day and totally love it. And wow, I need to watch so many movies on your list especially The Great Gatsby.

  13. haha! i almost put holes on my list too! also.. huge thumbs up for the help...... and ahhh i forgot about shawshank redemption! :)


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