Thursday, June 13, 2013

End of the year haiku (or are they senryu?)

After reading a description of the formula for writing haiku poems (5-7-5 syllables) I learned that this Japanese poetry is typically about nature. Whereas senryu poems are merely three-line poems that deal with foibles of human nature, often in a satirical way and are not bound by a syllable count. So here are my three-line poems (haiku, senryu, or otherwise) about my experiences at the close of this school year. Please take a look at last year's end-of-the-year haiku here.

Who needs to eat?
No time to grocery shop?
Steady diet of textbooks.

Armloads of textbooks.
Cranky students, teachers, all.
Last day of school "joys."

A teetering pile
of novels on my dresser,
but no time to read.

Fell asleep today
while sitting on the blue couch 
writing this haiku.

Two rolls of tape left.
Unfortunately won't fix
Piles of broken books

Last day of school year
Happy, sad mixed together-
Friends retiring.

End of year party
Laugh so hard I nearly pee-
Teaching stories!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anne, A long, long time since my last visit, it really is scary how quickly time passes and how easy it is to lose touch.

    Loving your haiku poems, especially the third one which pt me in mind of my teetering pile.


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