Monday, April 29, 2013

Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book

Hosted by Broke and Bookish
Even though this is supposed to be my TOP TEN words or topics that would make me instantly pick up a book, there is no way I will reach ten. Very few topics or words have that much power in my reading selections.  But a few do.  Here they are:

1. Printz award winners...I try to figure out which books will win each year and then once the winners are announced I attempt to read them as soon as I can.

2. John Green...I read everything that I can by this author.  If I know that his book is coming out soon, I preorder it.  Simple as that.

3. Harry the old days I would line up to get the newest book as soon as it was available.  If JK Rowling published a new book about Potter and friends, I'd buy it.

4. Audiobook recommendations...I am always up for a good audiobook and will request copies from the library based on these recommendations. I also like to give audiobook recommendations if anyone needs some ideas.

5. Starred reviews...books that receive starred reviews from several sources: School Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, Publisher's Weekly, Booklist, YALSA, etc. I don't read all books which get starred reviews but I favor them.

*Hey folks, please leave me a comment.  I love to  hear what you think, even if my ideas are more boring than yours.


  1. Its great that you don't just pick up anything, and I love that you often go based on awards or recommendations. Great way to steer clear of something you wouldn't enjoy!

  2. I love Harry Potter! How did you get into audiobooks Anne? My mind tends to wonder when an audiobook is playing, but I haven't listened to audiobooks all the way through.

    My Top Ten

    Have a great week!

    1. I think I got into audiobooks because I always enjoyed having stories read to me. I started listening to them when I was commuting and then after work when I was driving my kids around to their lessons and classes after school. Soon they started listening, too. Suddenly, we were sharing literature in a new and unique way. They both continue to enjoy audiobooks as adults. My husband, on the other hand, can only enjoy audiobooks if we are long enough car trips for him to get "into" the story.


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