Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Salon and Wrap-up of Readathon

It's Sunday and time for my weekly update. This week I will also update how I did on the Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-thon.

Readathon: as you can tell from it's title this was supposed to be a 24-hour reading session with updates along the way.  Well, I didn't even sign up until five hours into the thing, so that would make it a 19-hour readathon.  And I joined knowing that I already had commitments that day, most important was the preparation we needed to do for the event that we are hosting at our house today. If you cobble together all my reading times and subtract out all the time I was doing something else my 24-hour readathon suddenly became a 6-hour read when-you-can-a-thon. Now when I tell you what I read you might be more impressed than if you think I actually read for 24-hours and only finished this paulty list.

  • What I finished: 
    • A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway...about his five years in Paris when he was a young, struggling writer.
    • Ten Poems to Last a Lifetime edited by Roger Housden...the last book in the ten poems quartet.
    • I Could Pee on This and Other Poems by Cats...a really silly little book containing poems about, er-r, cats.
    • Dancing with Joys: 99 Poems edited by Roger Housden...I was over 3/4th of the way through this book before the readathon but I finished it up.  Such lovely selections.
  • Started but didn't finish:
    • Dr. Bird's Advice for Sad Poets by Evan Roskos...a young, depressed boy expresses his feeling through Whitmanesque poems. 1/3rd complete.
    • Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth audiobook selection. 1/7th complete.
Today: We are hosting a party for our church members to help welcome our new choir director, Erin, and her husband, Dom, to our church. It just so happens that Erin is my cousin, once removed. We are serving Branks BBQ and baked beans, others in the church will bring salads and desserts. It is due to start in a little over an hour.

Weather: this past week the weather was gorgeous, but today it is overcast and rainy...of course we are having a party, so it has to rain.  Sigh.

Scripture: 1 Peter 2: 11 "Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul."


  1. So glad you could join the readathon! You finished more than I managed to finish, but then I did chose some rather lengthy reads.

  2. Haha. Well, it's good that you joined even if you didn't do a full 24 hours. I didn't even get to join this time around, and the last time I was busy packing up my apartment for a move - so I pretty much focused on audiobooks with cheerleading breaks. :) It's still fun, no matter how much time you can dedicate.

    My Sunday Salon

  3. A 24-hour readathon... sounds like heaven, if I could actually spend the whole time reading! I think you did very well for your 6-ish hours.

  4. Great job! I hate to bring this up, but I think you might like Mr. Penumbra's 24 hour bookstore; it's fascinating so far. I know you don't need anything else to read!

    1. It was already on my list so don't feel like you are putting an undue burden on me. :)

  5. It is 9 PM and the party is over. Nearly 50 people came and we had a full house of friends, good food, and conversation. My husband and a crew of mostly men cleaned up while I drove my daughter back to school in Seattle. Now he is mopping. How did I luck out?

  6. I've really enjoyed doing the Dewey Read-a-thon in the past, but with my crazy schedule these days it just didn't happen this time around. It looks like you did fairly well given everything else that was going on for you this weekend!


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