Saturday, September 10, 2011

High School Memories

My family as we looked when I was in high school. (I'm the cutey on the far left. Ha!)

Sometimes I think I have the best job in America.  I am a high school librarian.  I get to work around teenagers and books.  What could be better?  Often I ignore the whole school spirit thing happening around the place, but other times I am hit head-on with the magic of it.  I had one of those times this past Thursday as I left the building in the afternoon.

The sun was shining. The weather was unseasonably warm. The football team was preparing for their second game of the season that night. And the drum line was rehearsing their routine outside. Suddenly, BAM! I was back in high school myself, recalling lots of happy memories.

Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of unhappy high school memories.  But for that moment, with the drums playing in the background, all I could remember were the fun times.  Here's a few that I recall:
  • Spirit Week every Fall associated with Homecoming. Powder Puff football games, tug-a-war games with the losing team being pulled through the spray of a fire hose, decorating a classroom with our class theme, etc.
  • HS Football games played at Parker Stadium on the Oregon State University campus. Talk about a huge venue for a high school game!
  • The first few sessions of swim team practice in the outdoor pool at our school...we'd head indoors to the pool at the YMCA when the weather turned bad, but those first glorious practices in the early Fall were held outside. Fun!
  • Meeting with a friend after registration for classes Junior year and heading to the Arboretum to do some swimming in the lake, then picking blackberries to eat as we warmed ourselves on the rocks.
What are some of your happy high school memories?


    1. Fun! I was actually home schooled so my high school experience was very different. I don't regret it at all, though. That picture is fun, btw.

    2. Games, clubs, assemblies--going to state in basketball in my junior year and getting to ride the rooter bus! Great teachers who helped me develop a passion for language.

    3. Loved high school. I'm a high school librarian too -- best job in the world. I was involved in EVERYTHING when in high school. I had a very busy schedule and loved every minute of it. Great memories. I try to help my student create those great memories too.

    4. Ah, high school. My memories are also mostly wonderful. I was also a swimmer and loved every minute of the early morning workouts in the dark, sometimes in the rain, but always with my friends. Student government, lunch time activities, good times!


    I look forward to your comments and interactions! Join in the conversation.