Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011.

Allison Can Read

Follow Friday:  congratulations to the Drying Ink, the featured blog.

Q. Have you ever wanted a villain to win at the end of a story? If so, which one?

I can think of several:  Willoughby in Sense and Sensibility; Henry Crawford in Mansfield Park...those both those characters weren't really villains they were more cads. I also hate to admit it but I found myself cheering for the captor, Ty, in Stolen by Lucy Christopher.  I didn't want him to be punished in the end, even though he was a kidnapper.

Have you ever found yourself cheering for a literary villain?  Do tell...


  1. Hi
    Just hopping by and following through!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    View my post

  2. I don't think I ever have...unless it's a love triangle and I secretly want the baddie to win over the girls heart, haha! :)

  3. I can almost be in the same page with you with Henry Crawford. But, I really liked Edmund so I'm glad he and Fanny ended up together. But, I did like Henry a lot.

  4. New follower here hopping through!

    I love Willoughby and Henry. Great choices!

    You have a lovely blog.

    Here's my FF

  5. Nice choices - I have to adsmit I've got a weakness for a really well executed villain. Well, more 'antagonist' - grey vs grey conflicts are my favourites. :) Thanks for stopping by over at Drying Ink, and I'm following back as well. Have a nice weekend!


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