Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Break!

Yay! Spring Break, a highlight of every teacher's year! Usually my family and I head off on some small vacation, usually to the Oregon Coast or somewhere nearby, but this year my hubby couldn't get away from work so I am staying close to home. And you know what that means to a school librarian...reading lots of books to build up my recommendation repertoire. In addition I want to catch up on a few other bookish things. Here is goal list for the week:
  1. Read at least the first 50 pages of the four Junior Lit Circle books that I haven't read yet.  I have to present these books to classes on the Monday that I get back to school.  I need to be prepared and know what I am talking about.  The four books are: The Bell Jar (Plath); Beloved (Morrison); Ragtime (Doctorow); and Travels with Charley (Steinbeck).
  2. Update my reading log journal.  Since I have switched to blogging about books I have neglected my reading log journal that I have kept for over ten years.  It would be fine to switch to a completely electronic form of journaling if I blogged about every book I read, but I don't.  I want to maintain this "historic document" of my reading history.
  3. Read/complete these books: 1) Lottery by Patricia Wood...this is the only book "I have" to read this week since it is the book club selection for the month. 2) Dewey, the Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron...I have been plodding through this book at the rate of about ten pages a week.  I want to finish it and put myself out of my misery at reading a book so slow. 3) Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher...a student made me promise that I would read it so we could talk about it together when we get back to school.  He checked in on me twice before we left on Friday so I know he will hold me to my word.
  4. Attend the book discussion at the public library over the 2011 Pierce County Reads book Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire that Saved America by Timothy Egan.  (I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my husband will attend with me.)
  5. Blog Goals-a) to visit all of the blogs that I follow at least once this week for a check-in and b) and to write at least five posts this week.
  6. Visit the Tacoma Borders store which is closing to see if I can find any deals.  I am so, so sad about this store closing and about Borders being in Chapter 11. I am afraid of what is happening in the publishing world and the future of book stores in general.

I'll check back with you later this week to let you know how I did on my bookish goals.  Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Spring Break is GLORIOUS! Almost better than Christmas, just because it means that summer is SO CLOSE! I really hope that you post a review of Almost Perfect; I've been anxious to read it since it won the Stonewall Award!


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